by bruce » Sun Jul 07, 2002 11:30 am
Chloe wrote:Well, I'm still here. But I don't know for how long. That's as much assurance as the doctors can give me. But I have some good news. I'm no longer afraid of dying.
But I am in a pretty lonely place right now. No one will have sex with me. I'm so close to the end and all I want is to get laid for the last time.
I have pornographic magazines and amyl nitrate...
See, this I don't understand. I mean, if you're terminally ill (and, look, my apologies if I'm treading on some sensitive Jolt Country backstory here, and that Chloe is both not trolling and not someone who, despite her (?) post, really wants to look for the upside of a death sentence; but hey, I'm an asshole, I slung it with the best back in the Old Days before alt.tasteless sucked and Usenet went to hell. So, uh, if you get offended, you're welcome to blow me. Line forms to the left.) it seems like that'd be the *best* time to indulge in all that risky--indeed nearly suicidal--sex you never dared to before; I mean, I'm talking quintuple-anal gang-bangs with chancre-ridden Hatian junkies kind of risky. As to the "no one will have sex with me" thing, from the other side, shit, here's a relationship that *can't* have any long term strings attached, right? Isn't that what guys claim to want? I mean, here you have not just guaranteed nookie for a while, but then a sob story to help you bag the *next* one who comes along, right? Imagine three months later: "I had a girlfriend, but...<choke>...she died...<sniff>...." "Aww, poor baby. Let me comfort you with dark chocolate, good Scotch, and blowjobs." (Disclaimer: I've never tried this and it probably doesn't work that well.)
And hey, if no one subscribes to that philosophy and therefore no one will satisfy your bestial desires for free, what are you saving up for? Retirement? I mean, shit, give me $50, some poppers, and a bottle of cheap Orcish gin, and there's not much I'm not up for, myself.
Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?
[quote="Chloe"]Well, I'm still here. But I don't know for how long. That's as much assurance as the doctors can give me. But I have some good news. I'm no longer afraid of dying.
But I am in a pretty lonely place right now. No one will have sex with me. I'm so close to the end and all I want is to get laid for the last time.
I have pornographic magazines and amyl nitrate...[/quote]
See, this I don't understand. I mean, if you're terminally ill (and, look, my apologies if I'm treading on some sensitive Jolt Country backstory here, and that Chloe is both not trolling and not someone who, despite her (?) post, really wants to look for the upside of a death sentence; but hey, I'm an asshole, I slung it with the best back in the Old Days before alt.tasteless sucked and Usenet went to hell. So, uh, if you get offended, you're welcome to blow me. Line forms to the left.) it seems like that'd be the *best* time to indulge in all that risky--indeed nearly suicidal--sex you never dared to before; I mean, I'm talking quintuple-anal gang-bangs with chancre-ridden Hatian junkies kind of risky. As to the "no one will have sex with me" thing, from the other side, shit, here's a relationship that *can't* have any long term strings attached, right? Isn't that what guys claim to want? I mean, here you have not just guaranteed nookie for a while, but then a sob story to help you bag the *next* one who comes along, right? Imagine three months later: "I had a girlfriend, but...<choke>...she died...<sniff>...." "Aww, poor baby. Let me comfort you with dark chocolate, good Scotch, and blowjobs." (Disclaimer: I've never tried this and it probably doesn't work that well.)
And hey, if no one subscribes to that philosophy and therefore no one will satisfy your bestial desires for free, what are you saving up for? Retirement? I mean, shit, give me $50, some poppers, and a bottle of cheap Orcish gin, and there's not much I'm not up for, myself.
Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?