by RetroRomper » Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:11 am
Saw this on the shelf while I was out shopping and thought... Why? Apparently that is the correct question to ask, as not only is it apparently terrible, but it opens up further possibilities such as:
Washington Post wrote:The problem with this cereal is not just that it makes the milk sour — thus depriving you of cereal milk, one of life’s simplest pleasures — but also that it opens up a portal to hell regarding What Foods Can be Other Foods.
They asked if Poprock or Twizzlers cereal is now fair game. Just Jesus though, I have enough trouble with cookie flavored cereal and now this.
Saw this on the shelf while I was out shopping and thought... Why? Apparently that is the correct question to ask, as not only is it apparently terrible, but it opens up further possibilities such as:
[quote="Washington Post"]The problem with this cereal is not just that it makes the milk sour — thus depriving you of cereal milk, one of life’s simplest pleasures — but also that it opens up a portal to hell regarding What Foods Can be Other Foods.[/quote]
They asked if Poprock or Twizzlers cereal is now fair game. Just Jesus though, I have enough trouble with cookie flavored cereal and now this.