by AArdvark » Mon May 06, 2019 4:47 pm
So bride's mom wanted no involvement in the wedding. She'll go to it but there's no input from her, including money. She might as well have been an ordinary guest, which is how she wants it. Bride's dad is Assholio. Stepmom is only four years older than the bride. That's creepy del bwayno, if you ask me, and says a lot of things about dad as well. I have this Bill and Ted subplot vibe. Needless to say dad is estranged and could care less if bride gets married. I guess there's an uncle that's giving her away, very nice. We were invited to the wedding because my wife knew the stylist that did her hair and makeup. I've never met her. Well, apparently I did, but I don't remember it. I think it was a New Year's party or summer cookout or something. Anyways, we didn't go and I'm sure glad about that.
So bride's mom wanted no involvement in the wedding. She'll go to it but there's no input from her, including money. She might as well have been an ordinary guest, which is how she wants it. Bride's dad is Assholio. Stepmom is only four years older than the bride. That's creepy del bwayno, if you ask me, and says a lot of things about dad as well. I have this Bill and Ted subplot vibe. Needless to say dad is estranged and could care less if bride gets married. I guess there's an uncle that's giving her away, very nice. We were invited to the wedding because my wife knew the stylist that did her hair and makeup. I've never met her. Well, apparently I did, but I don't remember it. I think it was a New Year's party or summer cookout or something. Anyways, we didn't go and I'm sure glad about that.