A Modest Proposal

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by The Happiness Engine » Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:00 pm

It's just an Acela from me. I can hotwire his chair from behind where he can't reach me and then just drive it there and disconnect the batteries.

by AArdvark » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:45 pm

I'll chip in for an Uber if everyone else is on board with it.

This sounds like a political agenda gambit from J. Slow roll and it wont work.

Hey Commander, what if you can play Pokemon Go when you get in front of the capitol? Would you do it then?


by Jonathan Slow Roll » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:44 pm

As just demonstrated, gentlemen, my plan is flawless.

Re: A Modest Proposal

by Tdarcos » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:39 pm

Jonathan Slow Roll wrote:Let us take Paul to DC and park him in front of the Capitol, then refuse to remove him until they stop trying to pass a new healthcare bill.

If things get really serious, we can tell him that one or more Congresspeople have misunderstood his jokes.
Now let me get this straight, you want the members of this BBS, who live in places like Oklahoma, New York, Colorado, Washington State, to take me, to the United States Capitol, which is approximately 5 miles from where I live, requiring two vehicles ((1) Take #83 or #86 bus to Rhode Island Avenue Metrorail Station; (2) Take Red Line Metrorail Train to Union Station (at which point the capital isvisible) then walk 0.5 mile to the Capitol.)

Yeah, they're supposed to travel a collective several thousand miles to escort me on a trip that would take me, in a wheelchair, probably about an hour, maybe two. Makes a lot of sense.

Besides, the whole thing is about ideology and the members of Congress will ignore anything that disagrees with that ideology, regardless of validity, the way Christians or Muslims will ignore anything in reality that disagrees with their holy book, no matter how obvious their book is wrong.

"It is extremely difficult to get someone to understand something when their source of livelihood depends on their not understanding it."

A Modest Proposal

by Jonathan Slow Roll » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:53 pm

Let us take Paul to DC and park him in front of the Capitol, then refuse to remove him until they stop trying to pass a new healthcare bill.

If things get really serious, we can tell him that one or more Congresspeople have misunderstood his jokes.
