by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 07, 2018 1:22 pm
As many of you know, each winter season the denizens of Jolt Country come together to determine exactly which charity we will all donate thirty (30) units of currency to. What organization needs it most? Which person had the most rotten time in the given year and could use a little pick me up? Previous charities include Greenpeace, Breast Cancer Awareness and the Institute for the Study of a Really Good Cheeseburger. The best part of all of this is that it's thirty units of currency. For the Russian, Slovakian and Czech bots that have recently spammed the forum, you soulless monsters can still participate in donate thirty pieces of whatever worthless dreck scrip you all pass around to each other with your rotten, toothless smiles.
I open the floor to nominations! Please keep in mind that we've already given Tdarcos hundreds of dollars already in candy, pizzas and wheelchair grease.
As many of you know, each winter season the denizens of Jolt Country come together to determine exactly which charity we will all donate thirty (30) units of currency to. What organization needs it most? Which person had the most rotten time in the given year and could use a little pick me up? Previous charities include Greenpeace, Breast Cancer Awareness and the Institute for the Study of a Really Good Cheeseburger. The best part of all of this is that it's thirty units of currency. For the Russian, Slovakian and Czech bots that have recently spammed the forum, you soulless monsters can still participate in donate thirty pieces of whatever worthless dreck scrip you all pass around to each other with your rotten, toothless smiles.
I open the floor to nominations! Please keep in mind that we've already given Tdarcos hundreds of dollars already in candy, pizzas and wheelchair grease.