Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

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Re: Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

by pinback » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:52 pm

Thank you, I have passed along all of the information. I consider the matter closed.

Re: Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

by Tdarcos » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:35 pm

If someone wants to send me a book, I'd prefer Kindle format as I can resize to even ridiculous levels. They can PM me with the gift code, or e-mail it to (it now works! I spent months trying to get it back.) I know it works because I got some junk e-mail today from Rite-Aid. My correct street address now appears in WHOIS lookups for my domains.

Re: Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

by pinback » Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:35 pm

Can anyone please answer my questions, please

Re: Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

by RetroRomper » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:21 am

How about we mix it up and Finsternis sends me the book and talks to Paul about the video game donations?

Messages for Tdarcos and RetroRomper!

by pinback » Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:48 am

PAUL: Finsternis would like to send you a book. Do you accept? If so, let me know your preferred method of book delivery.

RETRO: Finsternis would like to talk to you about "game donations" (??). Do you accept? If so, I will private message you here with his preferred gmail address.
