Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

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Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Flack » Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:04 pm

I had my first one of the year the other night. I was surprised at how little sauce was on it. The last time I had a McRib I ended up with sauce on my face, in my beard, in between my fingers, on my ears... like, everywhere. On the one I had the other night, I had several bites where I didn't even get any sauce. I'll give it one more go before they're gone again.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by AArdvark » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:25 pm

I had a chance the other day to get a McRib and I passed. It's the sauce you crave, the pork and pickles and onions you can get anywhere (mostly).
Besides, ever since The Simpsons did that McRib episode I've been turned off by them.


Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Casual Observer » Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:50 pm

I lied, I just had to have another one before they're gone. This time fixed it up the right way from the start: replace pathetic dill slivers with thick bread and butter chips then throw some red onion slices on top of their few slivers of onion. MMMmmmmm.


Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Casual Observer » Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 am

Jizaboz wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:02 amP.S. I have yet to actually try a Mc Rib, but perhaps I finally will this week.
You gotta try it man, at least once every few years:

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Jizaboz » Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:02 am

Flack wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:44 pm If I recall, we did cube and grill the McRib separately from the eggs before combining the meat, veggies, and eggs into a giant omelet. Then again, I was making minimum wage at the time and this would have been the same era when I invented bologna-Ramen casserole served with a side of Boones Farm, so my recipes are suspect at best.
Oh hell yeah. We should have a thread for nothing but this sort of stuff.

Especially with the Coronamania going on sometimes you just don't want to cook anything more complex than a porkchop (and you have no pork chops), don't want take-out, and just want to slap something together quickly with stuff around the house no matter how unorthodox.

P.S. I have yet to actually try a Mc Rib, but perhaps I finally will this week.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Flack » Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:44 pm

If I recall, we did cube and grill the McRib separately from the eggs before combining the meat, veggies, and eggs into a giant omelet. Then again, I was making minimum wage at the time and this would have been the same era when I invented bologna-Ramen casserole served with a side of Boones Farm, so my recipes are suspect at best.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Casual Observer » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:44 am

Flack wrote: Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:00 amcut up McRibs in our eggs
That sounds interesting, I've cut up real ribs and thrown them in a scramble, also of course inside an omlet. Did you sear the McRib meat before putting it in like SPAM? McRibs are pure fat so that's got to be an experience.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Jizaboz » Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:37 am

Being fired for stealing Mc Ribs must be a real hit to self-esteem.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Flack » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:00 am

Many years ago, an old high school chum showed up on my front door (unannounced) if I would like to buy a frozen case of McRib meat. Turns out, the guy was working for a local meat processing plant, one of two places in the country that make McRibs for McDonalds. My gut instinct was to say no, but the case was sealed and he wanted $20 for (I think) 50 McRibs, so we ended up doing it. We had McRibs for dinner, cut up McRibs in our eggs, and just about any other way you can think to prepare a McRib. We must have eaten one every day for a week.

The following weekend, the same guy showed up with another case of McRibs. We told him that we still had a freezer full of McRibs, but he insisted on selling them. I think we paid $5 or $10 for that case.

I didn't see the guy again for a few years after that. Then one day I randomly ran into him. He was wearing a Coca-Cola uniform and delivering drinks to a convenience store. I asked him if he quit the meat packing plant and he told me he had been fired for stealing McRibs. Then he asked me if I wanted to buy a case of Coke for $5. I politely declined.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by pinback » Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:15 am

Casual Observer wrote: Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:07 am What would i do with the other 5 patties?

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Casual Observer » Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:07 am

What would i do with the other 5 patties? My wife won't touch this shit.

Re: Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by pinback » Sat Dec 12, 2020 7:57 am

Fun fact, you can make McRibs at home with a bun, some onions and pickles, and a:


Tell 'em, Commander! It's true!

Anyone got their McRib fix yet?

by Casual Observer » Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:05 am

Wow, what a great food day! First McRib for me in like a decade. I don't need another one for a year or two at best. Its tasty, fatty, slathered in yummy corn syrup based bbq sauce. Paired with the fries which offset the sweet I had to forgo ketchup this time. Yes, I cut it in half like any proper sandwich, and not surprisingly I only made it through half.


Other half was great warmed up for dinner, sour cream and onion chips to offset. Box wine chablis was a bit sweet with the sandwich. Replaced 2 pathetic dill slivers with 4 yummy bread and butter pickles. Purely by chance we have oven baked babyback ribs in the fridge, we made with a country sweet based sauce. I can eat real ribs every day for a week but I don't need another McRib for a long time.


Old fashioned mcdonalds cherry pie but from Walmart.

