Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:43 am
Detroit: Become Human
The Witcher 3
Atari 2600 Chess
Missile Command: Recharged
Defender (if not too cold in the garage) on the easiest level
It has been too cold out.
Wasteland 3
Fallout -
I feel you brother on many of these games, so I will relate my thoughts..
- Detroit: Become Human: Essential game if you owned a PS4 2 years ago. I love the concept of "what is human?" so I really enjoyed this despite my complaints.
- The Witcher 3: Ain't played it. Still playing Witcher 1 remake. I will get there. No interest in buying the tabletop version yet like I had to instantly do with Cyberpunk.
- Atari 2600 Chess: Because I don't know enough about chess strategy, I dunno when I'm being dicked by this game. At least in the cheating tic/tac/toe game for TRS-80 I knew that shit was obviously cheating.
- Defender: This one is a soft spot for me. 2 of the coolest "arcade dudes" I know.. ICJ and my friend with the basement arcade say "I suck at this and I dunno how you can play that well" in some manner. I absolutely love this game and the sequel.. Stargate. I have a Stargate board set I hope to get stable to be official soon..
- Wasteland 3: I really liked this game going into it, and will still return to it.. but MAN is it hard to return to after about 24 total hours in. I would argue that the actual story and level of progression may actually be better in Wasteland 2.
- Fallout: I would encourage anyone here to play Fallout 76 with me on either PS4 or Steam while they try to play fallout 1-3/Vegas and get bored.