by Jizaboz » Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:46 am
Anyone else entered the new Warzone yet? It's free!
I just got done playing 3 rounds of "DMZ" mode with 2 randos from Columbia who are my new internet friends. It's sort of an open world FPS with deadly consequences for wasting time. I had a nice (but broken, of course) conversation with them in a mixture if mostly Spanish until English when I didn't know the word or the word was an in-game noun. I was called both "gringo" and "blanco diablo", corrected them on the details on that; and I think from now on we can be friends and maybe they can be inducted into our gaming clan.
If you want to both be friendly and shoot people. I got a Warzone 2.0 clan for you!
It only takes 3 of us to make a squad and a difference heh-heh
Anyone else entered the new Warzone yet? It's free!
I just got done playing 3 rounds of "DMZ" mode with 2 randos from Columbia who are my new internet friends. It's sort of an open world FPS with deadly consequences for wasting time. I had a nice (but broken, of course) conversation with them in a mixture if mostly Spanish until English when I didn't know the word or the word was an in-game noun. I was called both "gringo" and "blanco diablo", corrected them on the details on that; and I think from now on we can be friends and maybe they can be inducted into our gaming clan.
If you want to both be friendly and shoot people. I got a Warzone 2.0 clan for you!
It only takes 3 of us to make a squad and a difference heh-heh