by Kenn Hoekstra » Thu Aug 14, 2003 8:51 pm
Tuesday, August 5th, 2003 - Non work-related update today...
Green Bay Packers fans unite! Please sign this petition to
save the Lambeau Field name!
I'd sure hate to see Green Bay play in Velveeta Stadium, or
worse yet...Velveeta Cheese Presents...The Green Bay Packers!
Your support is appreciated...
Monday, July 14th, 2003 - Just a warning about a SOF2 CD Key scam that's going on right now... Some guy calling himself "John Novak" is e-mailing people from a hotmail account and claiming to be from Raven Software. He's claiming that we (Raven) are gathering defective keys for replacement and asking that you e-mail him your CD Key.
DON'T FALL FOR THIS SCAM! In fact, DON'T SHARE YOUR CD KEY WITH ANYONE! No one from Raven will ever contact you and ask you for your CD key. If we do, it's only if you contact us first through our website with a tech support request.
Feel free to e-mail this guy and let him know what you think of his little scam. ;)
Another thing to beware of, if you're not already aware of this, is to watch out for buying used games on Ebay (or anywhere else for that matter) that require CD keys. I've seen many people sell their game who continue using the key after the sale. This causes no end of trouble for the buyer and unfortunately we can't issue new keys for used games. Buyer beware...
That is all.
Wednesday, June 25th, 2003 - It's been a while since my last update and I'm not even sure our finger server is still working, so this is a bit of a test. At first glance, our .plan tracker appears to be hosed...
I've updated the much outdated "Get A Job In The Industry" page. Mainly I fixed all of the broken links and added a few new sections regarding gaming universities and other new wave things. Wheeee....
Raven is also still looking for a High Poly Modeler for Quake IV. Get the details here.
Oh, and I've re-launched my website at
More later...
Tuesday, August 5th, 2003 - Non work-related update today...
Green Bay Packers fans unite! Please sign this petition to
save the Lambeau Field name!
I'd sure hate to see Green Bay play in Velveeta Stadium, or
worse yet...Velveeta Cheese Presents...The Green Bay Packers!
Your support is appreciated...
Monday, July 14th, 2003 - Just a warning about a SOF2 CD Key scam that's going on right now... Some guy calling himself "John Novak" is e-mailing people from a hotmail account and claiming to be from Raven Software. He's claiming that we (Raven) are gathering defective keys for replacement and asking that you e-mail him your CD Key.
DON'T FALL FOR THIS SCAM! In fact, DON'T SHARE YOUR CD KEY WITH ANYONE! No one from Raven will ever contact you and ask you for your CD key. If we do, it's only if you contact us first through our website with a tech support request.
Feel free to e-mail this guy and let him know what you think of his little scam. ;)
Another thing to beware of, if you're not already aware of this, is to watch out for buying used games on Ebay (or anywhere else for that matter) that require CD keys. I've seen many people sell their game who continue using the key after the sale. This causes no end of trouble for the buyer and unfortunately we can't issue new keys for used games. Buyer beware...
That is all.
Wednesday, June 25th, 2003 - It's been a while since my last update and I'm not even sure our finger server is still working, so this is a bit of a test. At first glance, our .plan tracker appears to be hosed...
I've updated the much outdated "Get A Job In The Industry" page. Mainly I fixed all of the broken links and added a few new sections regarding gaming universities and other new wave things. Wheeee....
Raven is also still looking for a High Poly Modeler for Quake IV. Get the details here.
Oh, and I've re-launched my website at
More later...