by Protagonist X » Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:06 pm
Just discovered this post.
Best wishes on this, Ben. Incidentally, I got canned from my hellish job involuntarily on July 7th, and since then I've cashed in on my Employee Stock Purchase Plan and am now liquidating one of the 401(k) plans I contributed to to keep the Slack Express rolling.
I bring this up only because I'm in a similar state: squandering savings to put off Working For A Living. Since yours seems to be better planned, it qualifies as what some wag called an "anti-sabbatical" (extended period of working and saving to fund an extended period of unemployment).
Here are some minor things I've discovered:
1.) Have a budget, and for Pete's sake keep track of it. Nothing depletes reserves of cash faster than an optimistic or haphazard plan for the months ahead.
2.) Have some sort of goals in mind: If I hadn't taken that summer school course, I might not be en route to finishing my degree. Since that course, some bad writing attempts, and a whole hell of a lot of Civilization II were the only three things I accomplished in the past two months, I shudder to think how low my spirits would have fallen without some sort of concrete achievement to show for it.
2a.) [Addendum to above] Do not get addicted to Civ II. I'm serious. Really. It's like my own personal struggle with heroin, and even though I can now kick the computer's ass on "Deity" Level, it still whispers to me in the darkness, in my moments of weakness. I've dodged the Civ III bullet solely by not upgrading my crappy Celeron 500.
3.) A mortgage, what with property taxes and insurance and utilities, can really eat up funds. I keep thinking that if it was a year ago and I had no plans to buy a house, the money I've spent would have lasted out a hell of a lot of sofa-surfin'. Sounds like you've got this one under control.
This advice and three dollars will buy you a cup of coffee. But still, it's what I found out the hard way.
I seriously do wish you all the best, and I hope that you get what you were looking for out of this sojourn to find whatever intangibles may have eluded you before.
---- PTX
Just discovered this post.
Best wishes on this, Ben. Incidentally, I got canned from my hellish job involuntarily on July 7th, and since then I've cashed in on my Employee Stock Purchase Plan and am now liquidating one of the 401(k) plans I contributed to to keep the Slack Express rolling.
I bring this up only because I'm in a similar state: squandering savings to put off Working For A Living. Since yours seems to be better planned, it qualifies as what some wag called an "anti-sabbatical" (extended period of working and saving to fund an extended period of unemployment).
Here are some minor things I've discovered:
1.) [b]Have a budget, and for Pete's sake keep track of it.[/b] Nothing depletes reserves of cash faster than an optimistic or haphazard plan for the months ahead.
2.) [b]Have some sort of goals in mind: [/b] If I hadn't taken that summer school course, I might not be en route to finishing my degree. Since that course, some bad writing attempts, and a whole hell of a lot of Civilization II were the only three things I accomplished in the past two months, I shudder to think how low my spirits would have fallen without some sort of concrete achievement to show for it.
2a.) [Addendum to above] [i][b]Do not get addicted to Civ II.[/b][/i] I'm serious. Really. It's like my own personal struggle with heroin, and even though I can now kick the computer's ass on "Deity" Level, it still whispers to me in the darkness, in my moments of weakness. I've dodged the Civ III bullet solely by not upgrading my crappy Celeron 500.
3.) [b]A mortgage, what with property taxes and insurance and utilities, can really eat up funds[/b]. I keep thinking that if it was a year ago and I had no plans to buy a house, the money I've spent would have lasted out a hell of a lot of sofa-surfin'. Sounds like you've got this one under control.
This advice and three dollars will buy you a cup of coffee. But still, it's what I found out the hard way.
I seriously do wish you all the best, and I hope that you get what you were looking for out of this sojourn to find whatever intangibles may have eluded you before.
---- PTX