by Lysander » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:38 pm
Y'know, I kinda gotta agree with the girls when they think that the media is focusing far more on the "dudde! hawt h0ttc\|\1ck action lolololol!11!1!111!!1 angle than the gay-bashing angle. Because, and let's be honest here, this is not by any stretch of the imagination "news-worthy." Okay, I went around to a police day for "national show some respect to the goddamn blind you shiznats" day or someshit and it made front page news, but I live in a very small town and we have to amuse ourselves somehow. Aaanyfuck, to give the "other side of the coin" to this issue (whatever the hell that means), I in my freshman year had to share far more class time with a ridiculously-flaming homosexual than can be considered by any stretch of the imagination "healthy." Here's the problem: the fucker was not only gay, but was in fact *violently* gay. A typical conversation would go something like this:
Me: Hi, John.
John: Hi. I'm very gay, by the way.
Me: Ah... yes, you've said that. A thousand frigging times.
John: Did I? Oh, I'm sorry. By the way, I'm very, very gay.
Me: ...Yeah. Excuse me while I run very fast to the other side of the room now, okay?
John: What! You're doing it because I'm 8gay*, aren't you, you racist fuckstick!
So... yeah. Maybe I got the pronouns confused, and maybe I'm exaggerating. Okay, I'm deffinetly exaggerating. But not very goddamn much. I mean, seriously. The guy was in a frigging debate class and he tried to go up against the most tallented debater in the class on the g-nome project and *still* found some way to focus it mainly on gay rights. (it should be noted here that his partner was looking extremely uncomfortable.)
So, um, yeah. Things could get very out of hand, very quickly. I remember a specific incident where a friend of mine mocked something about him (it very well could have been the debate plan I was talking about previously, although it could also be something else, but if so it would be something completely unrelated to the "im gay" issue) and this man went into a very femmy rage, and had him (my friend) have a very stern conversation with the very stern school principal, who looks like a carbon copy of Agent Smith from the Matrix only less physically fit, who calmly (because that's the only way the guy talks--honestly, he cracks jokes in that exact same tone and you won't even notice) inform him (my friend) that there was no gay bashing to be found in *this* school, young assclown. So... yeah. I rambled. A lot. My point, though, is that its a really double-sided issue. There are *plenty* of gay people who *are* gay and just that, who have no *problem* with that and who have no problem with anyone else *not* being gay, and live very wonderful, prosperous lives together without bothering a single person. These are, in fact, the majority. However, it is not those types of people you see on television. Instead you see these kilted weirdoes in lipstick and sometimes a bikini, screaming to the heavens "Oh lord, how caneth I looketh more gay than I already am? And do these cotton pads in my brazir make my chest look fat?" Because they stirr shit up. I'll ask you something: when's the last time you've seen a car with one of those little rainbow stickers on the back that had two people in it? Yeah, thought so. They do it just to get attention. Seriously, gay people. You're gay. Okay. Most of us do not have a problem with that. So please, shut the fuck up about it. kplzthx.
Y'know, I kinda gotta agree with the girls when they think that the media is focusing far more on the "dudde! hawt h0ttc\|\1ck action lolololol!11!1!111!!1 angle than the gay-bashing angle. Because, and let's be honest here, this is not by any stretch of the imagination "news-worthy." Okay, I went around to a police day for "national show some respect to the goddamn blind you shiznats" day or someshit and it made front page news, but I live in a very small town and we have to amuse ourselves somehow. Aaanyfuck, to give the "other side of the coin" to this issue (whatever the hell that means), I in my freshman year had to share far more class time with a ridiculously-flaming homosexual than can be considered by any stretch of the imagination "healthy." Here's the problem: the fucker was not only gay, but was in fact *violently* gay. A typical conversation would go something like this:
Me: Hi, John.
John: Hi. I'm very gay, by the way.
Me: Ah... yes, you've said that. A thousand frigging times.
John: Did I? Oh, I'm sorry. By the way, I'm very, very gay.
Me: ...Yeah. Excuse me while I run very fast to the other side of the room now, okay?
John: What! You're doing it because I'm 8gay*, aren't you, you racist fuckstick!
So... yeah. Maybe I got the pronouns confused, and maybe I'm exaggerating. Okay, I'm deffinetly exaggerating. But not very goddamn much. I mean, seriously. The guy was in a frigging debate class and he tried to go up against the most tallented debater in the class on the g-nome project and *still* found some way to focus it mainly on gay rights. (it should be noted here that his partner was looking extremely uncomfortable.)
So, um, yeah. Things could get very out of hand, very quickly. I remember a specific incident where a friend of mine mocked something about him (it very well could have been the debate plan I was talking about previously, although it could also be something else, but if so it would be something completely unrelated to the "im gay" issue) and this man went into a very femmy rage, and had him (my friend) have a very stern conversation with the very stern school principal, who looks like a carbon copy of Agent Smith from the Matrix only less physically fit, who calmly (because that's the only way the guy talks--honestly, he cracks jokes in that exact same tone and you won't even notice) inform him (my friend) that there was no gay bashing to be found in *this* school, young assclown. So... yeah. I rambled. A lot. My point, though, is that its a really double-sided issue. There are *plenty* of gay people who *are* gay and just that, who have no *problem* with that and who have no problem with anyone else *not* being gay, and live very wonderful, prosperous lives together without bothering a single person. These are, in fact, the majority. However, it is not those types of people you see on television. Instead you see these kilted weirdoes in lipstick and sometimes a bikini, screaming to the heavens "Oh lord, how caneth I looketh more gay than I already am? And do these cotton pads in my brazir make my chest look fat?" Because they stirr shit up. I'll ask you something: when's the last time you've seen a car with one of those little rainbow stickers on the back that had two people in it? Yeah, thought so. They do it just to get attention. Seriously, gay people. You're gay. Okay. Most of us do not have a problem with that. So please, shut the fuck up about it. kplzthx.