Narnia: In Production.

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by Vitriola » Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:55 pm

Yeah, so shut-up, Lex. Why don't you go try out for that new series with the Scottish character that we all know about? You know, that one that, uh, stars a thicket of heather being eaten by a grouse.

Re: Narnia: In Production.

by bruce » Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:46 am

Vitriola wrote: I didn't realize Aslan hailed from the boggy moors.
Actually, he's from Australia. You can tell because it's "God's Own Country."


by loafergirl » Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:59 am

I find this dissapointing, the Narnia series I always envisioned as a book to remain a book. BUT at least now when I reffer to someone being gay and not knowing it ("he's so far back in the closet he's in Narnia") maybe people will understand what I'm talking about.



by Lysander » Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:02 pm

Speaking of, they're also trying to put _Ender's Game_ into a movie. Worse, they're trying to combine _Ender's Game_ and _Ender's Shadow_ into one book. Now--I'm sorry, but am I the only person alive who thinks this is a really, really bad idea? Especially when you consider how things have been going with Star Wars and the Matrix? I mean, bloody feckin' hell, Pirates of the Carribian is by far a better movie than Attack of the Clones, and guess which one got a smaller budget?

Re: Narnia: In Production.

by Vitriola » Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:25 pm

Lex wrote:I am actually really upset that I didn't catch this earlier -- I would make a great Aslan voiceover :(.
I didn't realize Aslan hailed from the boggy moors.

Narnia: In Production.

by Lex » Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:00 pm

Walden Media have not only bought the Rights to the entire series, but are already listed as "In Production" for the first movie in the series; The Lion, The With & The Wardrobe.

I am actually really upset that I didn't catch this earlier -- I would make a great Aslan voiceover :(.

