by Ben » Sun Jul 28, 2002 11:31 pm
Nothing happens in Almost Famous.
Now, by and of itself, having nothing happen doesn't necessarily consign a movie to mediocrity. Hell, not a damn thing happened in "M*A*S*H", but it's one of the greatest, funniest, most enjoyable movies of all time.
The trick to doing a movie where nothing happens is to make it, oh, I don't know, interesting? Entertaining?? Something like that?
Vanilla Sky was interesting, which is why I don't hate it with the passion it deserves, but by the end, I had given up on it having any purpose or meaning or anything you could take from it. "Say, Ben, tell me what Vanilla Sky was about." "I have no friggin' idea."
Almost Famous was neither interesting nor entertaining. I kept wanting for the story to come together, and for something meaningful to happen, but no, all the characters just kept going on and on with their little lives, and then eventually the movie was over. What the hell?
At least Jerry Maguire had a POINT to it, and was entertaining to boot. At the end, he gets with (the extremely adorable, and my favorite actress in terms of how big my cartoon-heart pounds out of my chest) Renee Zellweger, and everyone's happy. There ya go. A purpose. A point.
I've now heard Vanilla Sky compared to: Fight Club, Total Recall, Memento, Jacob's Ladder, etc. Except the difference is, with all of those movies, you could actually kind of *understand* and *appreciate* what the hell just happened, rather than just scratching your head and screaming maniacally at the screen.
Speaking of Renee Zellweger, please go see Nurse Betty. It has the three things I like most in a movie:
1. It's kinda dark.
2. It's kinda funny.
3. Renee Zellweger.
Now there's a movie.
[i]Nothing[/i] happens in Almost Famous.
Now, by and of itself, having nothing happen doesn't necessarily consign a movie to mediocrity. Hell, not a damn thing happened in "M*A*S*H", but it's one of the greatest, funniest, most enjoyable movies of all time.
The trick to doing a movie where nothing happens is to make it, oh, I don't know, [i]interesting[/i]? [i]Entertaining[/i]?? Something like that?
Vanilla Sky was [i]interesting[/i], which is why I don't hate it with the passion it deserves, but by the end, I had given up on it having any purpose or meaning or anything you could take from it. "Say, Ben, tell me what Vanilla Sky was about." "I have no friggin' idea."
Almost Famous was neither interesting nor entertaining. I kept wanting for the story to come together, and for something meaningful to happen, but no, all the characters just kept going on and on with their little lives, and then eventually the movie was over. What the hell?
At least Jerry Maguire had a POINT to it, and was entertaining to boot. At the end, he gets with (the extremely adorable, and my favorite actress in terms of how big my cartoon-heart pounds out of my chest) Renee Zellweger, and everyone's happy. There ya go. A purpose. A point.
I've now heard Vanilla Sky compared to: Fight Club, Total Recall, Memento, Jacob's Ladder, etc. Except the difference is, with all of those movies, you could actually kind of *understand* and *appreciate* what the hell just happened, rather than just scratching your head and screaming maniacally at the screen.
Speaking of Renee Zellweger, please go see Nurse Betty. It has the three things I like most in a movie:
1. It's kinda dark.
2. It's kinda funny.
3. Renee Zellweger.
Now there's a movie.