by Lysander » Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:45 pm
Other than a sense of spine-tingling horror, this article evokes several unrelated ideas in my firing synapses. These remote-controlled camera/rifle combos
could be used most effectively on the front lines of combat in war. As an added bonus, we can use the technology as a bargaining chip. We can sell it to
other countries who will then incorporate it into their own military. As an extra-special treat, any country we will subsiquantly need to overthrow will
be easily destroyed by a carefully-placed h4X0rZing excersise. I've got this hilarious image of someone trying to use a remote to kill all of the opposing
soldiers and then the camera goes amoc and the rifle starts shooting everyone while the message "haha j0 g0t pwn3z0r3d b1+|\|" flashes across teh screen
at two-second intervals. Now, wars will be fought not by generals, not by soldiers, but by 13-year-olds living in their mother's basements. ("Billy, why
don't you do something productive, like overthrowing a third-world country?"
Other than a sense of spine-tingling horror, this article evokes several unrelated ideas in my firing synapses. These remote-controlled camera/rifle combos
could be used most effectively on the front lines of combat in war. As an added bonus, we can use the technology as a bargaining chip. We can sell it to
other countries who will then incorporate it into their own military. As an extra-special treat, any country we will subsiquantly need to overthrow will
be easily destroyed by a carefully-placed h4X0rZing excersise. I've got this hilarious image of someone trying to use a remote to kill all of the opposing
soldiers and then the camera goes amoc and the rifle starts shooting everyone while the message "haha j0 g0t pwn3z0r3d b1+|\|" flashes across teh screen
at two-second intervals. Now, wars will be fought not by generals, not by soldiers, but by 13-year-olds living in their mother's basements. ("Billy, why
don't you do something productive, like overthrowing a third-world country?"