Paying the bills

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by Knuckles the Sandwich » Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:28 pm

I say you call pinner's bluff and put an ad right on the fucking forum index.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:02 pm

nessman wrote:Jesus RobB... when the hell did you start to go cheap Jew on us?

If you factor in inflation, $156/yr is peanuts compared to what you were shelling out to those fuckwits at Ogden Tel back in the dial-up modem BBS days.
Well, truth to tell it was only like $14 a month for a landline back then. I don't remember what 14x12 is, but it's around 156, so we'll just round up/down and say it's close. Qwest in Colorado wants $50 for one, and that's getting off CHEAP out here.

But again, lost in all this, I would like to stress that I made my original post when it looked like I was going to be in for a long stretch of unemployment, because my "sure thing" wasn't looking so certain. Battle conditions have changed. I am almost certain I already wrote this, but I think it got lost in the shuffle somehow.

by Moshe Rubenstein » Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:56 pm

nessman wrote:Jesus RobB... when the hell did you start to go cheap Jew on us?
Fuck you. Right in the <i>tuchus</i>. <i>Putzfresser</i>.


by bruce » Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:53 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:AIDS I WANT AIDS!
Ask your mom.


by nessman » Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:23 pm


by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:36 pm

ADS I WANT ADS! One of you underachieving nerds actually finds a way to make a little hero-clicks spending cash and you won't do it? Who gives a shit about a banner ad. Whatever ad you throw on here I will purchase something from that company and tell them "I FOUND IT ON JOLTCOUNTRY" when they stare blankly and ask "What is a Joltcountry?" I will reply "Never thee mind, more horsecock and guide's to internet money scheme's for all!"


What's your beef pinback? Are you taking a stand? Is this the last safe internet haven? RRRROBBB I'm your friend and don't want you profitting from something you put your valuble free time into. Robbb why did you even ask? I know Milker wants ads. Shall we put it to a vote????

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:21 pm

pinback wrote:If I ever put together a website that succeeded, I'd run out of ammunition for my persistent self-loathing, which provides whatever meager content I can come up with on that string of net.abortions.
You did run a place that succeeded. I have been trying to get the password to it for weeks now.

The mere concept, though, of this man putting together a website which people actually visit, and read, and contribute to, and enjoy, turning around and trying to mooch off us, or otherwise subject us to the very thing many of us come here to avoid, that being rampant net commercialism, is so vile and distasteful that it is enough to make me want to gack on the carpet like a cat, complete with all of the requisite funny sounds, like "nngk-achh! nnngk-achh!! nnngk-achh!" Like that.
I am glad that you enjoy the two posts a day it gets now.

Hey, fuckface, how about just paying the $150 a goddamn year
What? Who? Is this me? Or Knuckles?

with your new high-paying job, and let us fucking continue to enjoy the one fucking place on the internet that doesn't make us sick for the normal reasons, but instead makes us all sick for completely different, yet tantalizingly unique, reasons.
Yeah, I posted that thing about ads before I got hired. There's no way to "take it back" once the ad genie gets out of the bottle, but I really wanted to make this the last place on the Internet that essentially told you "SEND US MONEY." The world would be complete for you, unless you decided to go to Caltrops, which will remain ad-free.

by pinback » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:17 pm

If I ever put together a website that succeeded, I'd run out of ammunition for my persistent self-loathing, which provides whatever meager content I can come up with on that string of net.abortions.

The mere concept, though, of this man putting together a website which people actually visit, and read, and contribute to, and enjoy, turning around and trying to mooch off us, or otherwise subject us to the very thing many of us come here to avoid, that being rampant net commercialism, is so vile and distasteful that it is enough to make me want to gack on the carpet like a cat, complete with all of the requisite funny sounds, like "nngk-achh! nnngk-achh!! nnngk-achh!" Like that.

Hey, fuckface, how about just paying the $150 a goddamn year, with your new high-paying job, and let us fucking continue to enjoy the one fucking place on the internet that doesn't make us sick for the normal reasons, but instead makes us all sick for completely different, yet tantalizingly unique, reasons.

Fucking ads. Get the fuck outta here.

As Felipe said on Three's Company:

Chane. Chane, chane, chane, chane, chane.

by Knuckles the CLown » Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:01 pm

pinback wrote:No ads, and nobody send him any money.
I know why this simp wants no ads. Look at all of the failed websites Lewis and Clark has tossed out there. I've never seen so many failed attempts at public self-loating. The thought of someone succesfully maintaining a site must burn his globe traveling britches. The only thing that needs to be denied here is more hippy recipes from Chef Squid.

by bruce » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:02 pm

pinback wrote:No ads, and nobody send him any money.
Pinback, why do you hate America?


by pinback » Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:10 am

No ads, and nobody send him any money.

by AArdvark » Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:48 pm

He won't leave if Jonsey puts ads on the site. This place is too interesting to just self-ban because of advertising. Too many wacks and free thinking to ignore. In a way, it reminds me of a college dorm corkboard, only better.


by Vitriola » Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:46 pm

With the $2 million, of course.

by Knuckles the Sandwich » Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:56 pm

Let's hope he's gone now.

by k. roo » Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:14 pm

pinback wrote:I will not click on any ads, since the moment I see an ad, I will leave and never return to this website.

by Worm » Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:41 pm

Casual Observer wrote:
Everybody wrote:How are you going to make money off the ads if none of us click them?
I think we should click them on purpose to help our our pal Jonsey. Since I won't pay for any website (not even porn) then its a good option.
I'd probably pay for porn if it wasn't so easy to steal.

Anyway, I really thought most of them didn't run simply off clicks. Is there a flat amount you get for putting the ad up?

by pinback » Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:52 am

I will not click on any ads, since the moment I see an ad, I will leave and never return to this website.

by Casual Observer » Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:21 am

Everybody wrote:How are you going to make money off the ads if none of us click them?
I think we should click them on purpose to help our our pal Jonsey. Since I won't pay for any website (not even porn) then its a good option.

by Worm » Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:19 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, I guess you got me there.
Now let's say we aren't all satisfied with thinking running this site is your problem. Don't they require some amount of browsing and such?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:34 pm

Well, I guess you got me there.
