Lego Star Wars

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Topic review

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Lego Star Wars

by bruce » Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:16 pm

Look, this thing is stupidly fun. Now I don't need to see Episode III (or II for that matter) because I <i>know the whole plot as enacted by little Lego dudes</i>. And I don't have to put up with shitty line delivery, because these guys don't talk, except sometimes the robots say "Roger roger" or "Uh oh" as you kill them. There's grunting and shrieking though, so that's OK.

There's an awful lot of decapitation in this game. Now granted, there's no blood, but that little head-lego piece pops off and the hair or helmet or whatever pops off of it, so it's kind of gruesome, if you're really high.

Not that I've been really high while playing Lego Star Wars. No, not me. I've been drunk, and there's a big difference.

So: decapitation--check! Legos--check! Being able to pummel Jar-Jar Binks or Lil' Anakin with a lightsaber as a crazed four-weapon-wielding psycho robot--check! Their pathetic high-pitched shrieks as their little Lego heads pop off--check!

So: <i>four stars out of five</i>.

