by Lysander » Wed May 11, 2005 10:10 am
July 8th, 2004
11:24 am: ...Ehh?
So I went to sleep at 12:30 in the ev/morning, because I am a fool who likes listening to the radio. At 11:05, when I got up, I immediately discovered our network opporator (quite possibly from hell) talking to himself. Actually, that's not accurate. He was talking to Dragon, the speech-to-text software program that I have intrinsicly distrusted since the Carter administration. It seems that I was right, as it was refusing to open Microsoft Word, even after our NOFH's ardant prayers, plees,cajoles, and threats. It did finally open, however, and the NOFH was able to speak "this is a test of the speech to text input software." "This is a test of Dragon is text to speech software," the Dragon speech to text software typed. Win some, lose some, I guess.
Why was he testing Dragon, I hear you ask? Simplicity myself, friends! Because the mayor and senator were doing a tour of the center, that's why! So, yup, they came down to the computer room, and the NOFH had a good chat with them, showing them JFW and Zoomtext, a screen magnifying program. I didn't say anything, in fact I was willing myself temporarily invisible squeezing up against a back wall, but I was still "in the presence" of... er, politico, so that was cool. And also! Thanks to the perfect, 100% accurate dictation of Dragon speech-to-text input softwared from across the room, I can give you a complete transcrip of the conversation! Hah-hah! Those stupid politicos were being taped and they didn't even know it! Hah-hah-hah! And now I am going to break several federal laws and paste the entire conversation right here on my livejournal [/bbs] for all (3, possibly 4) of you to read, because I am an evil, authority-opposing meanie. The conversation--are you ready? It went like this.
Since Piazza noted away from the movie about a permanent meeting in June and that there is on a day is done in the air that a gay people that there is anything I think there are certain amount the house on the time I would like this year is the more goals that and binding for you immediately there is there is literally monitor by knowing he worked at a young monitor the right in Windows as they will visit our main indemnitor's inland everything that will do that is anything that the job when the human ones allow you to you and me and I bouquets and that is used in the home noted within the more human genome is true maintaining the have
That is government in progress, ladies and gentlemen.
For the record, conversation never even strayed anywhere *near* genome, so I really have no clue where that came from. ...Longhorn? *Maybe*?
July 8th, 2004
11:24 am: ...Ehh?
So I went to sleep at 12:30 in the ev/morning, because I am a fool who likes listening to the radio. At 11:05, when I got up, I immediately discovered our network opporator (quite possibly from hell) talking to himself. Actually, that's not accurate. He was talking to Dragon, the speech-to-text software program that I have intrinsicly distrusted since the Carter administration. It seems that I was right, as it was refusing to open Microsoft Word, even after our NOFH's ardant prayers, plees,cajoles, and threats. It did finally open, however, and the NOFH was able to speak "this is a test of the speech to text input software." "This is a test of Dragon is text to speech software," the Dragon speech to text software typed. Win some, lose some, I guess.
Why was he testing Dragon, I hear you ask? Simplicity myself, friends! Because the mayor and senator were doing a tour of the center, that's why! So, yup, they came down to the computer room, and the NOFH had a good chat with them, showing them JFW and Zoomtext, a screen magnifying program. I didn't say anything, in fact I was willing myself temporarily invisible squeezing up against a back wall, but I was still "in the presence" of... er, politico, so that was cool. And also! Thanks to the perfect, 100% accurate dictation of Dragon speech-to-text input softwared from across the room, I can give you a complete transcrip of the conversation! Hah-hah! Those stupid politicos were being taped and they didn't even know it! Hah-hah-hah! And now I am going to break several federal laws and paste the entire conversation right here on my livejournal [/bbs] for all (3, possibly 4) of you to read, because I am an evil, authority-opposing meanie. The conversation--are you ready? It went like this.
Since Piazza noted away from the movie about a permanent meeting in June and that there is on a day is done in the air that a gay people that there is anything I think there are certain amount the house on the time I would like this year is the more goals that and binding for you immediately there is there is literally monitor by knowing he worked at a young monitor the right in Windows as they will visit our main indemnitor's inland everything that will do that is anything that the job when the human ones allow you to you and me and I bouquets and that is used in the home noted within the more human genome is true maintaining the have
That is government in progress, ladies and gentlemen.
For the record, conversation never even strayed anywhere *near* genome, so I really have no clue where that came from. ...Longhorn? *Maybe*?