by Lysander » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:25 pm
Yahoo's being, how should I say, incredibly fucking *gay* lately.
I'm too lazy to hunt down a news article on this, but basically, Yahoo got threatened with a 20 million dollar lawsuit because so much underaged adult chatting was going on in their chat rooms. They solved this problems by... uh... eliminating the ability to create your own chat room. (Side note: I LOL at their under construction notice: "User rooms are unavailable while we modify them to be more compatible with our terms of service." That is to say, non existent!) Now... I have a working brain, so I'm already above the calibur of everyone who works at Yahoo, but let me try and analyze this. The TOS says plainly that people are going to see objectionable thins in chat rooms and that it's not their fault. Then in order to get into the "romance" category, which any idiot can tell means "fucking". But after *that* you have to go to "adult." And just in case these brain surgans can't figure out what "adult romance" means, there's a warning box that pops up telling you you're not allowed to go in there unless you're under 18, which throws your innocent virginal image right out the window already if you go in there. And *then* you have to select "user rooms", which has, again, another warning box that says you should be careful becasue Yahoo didn't make them so they could be offensive. So how is this Yahoo's fault, exactly? And how does eliminating the ability to create your own chat room stop... well... ANYTHING that was already happening from happening? All it does is piss everybody off. I mean, I know, it's all about doing as little as possible to satisfy the soccer moms, but is it really too much to ask for that a freaking multi-million-dollar international corporation get a damn backbone? There's no way they'd lose in court.
Yahoo's being, how should I say, incredibly fucking *gay* lately.
I'm too lazy to hunt down a news article on this, but basically, Yahoo got threatened with a 20 million dollar lawsuit because so much underaged adult chatting was going on in their chat rooms. They solved this problems by... uh... eliminating the ability to create your own chat room. (Side note: I LOL at their under construction notice: "User rooms are unavailable while we modify them to be more compatible with our terms of service." That is to say, non existent!) Now... I have a working brain, so I'm already above the calibur of everyone who works at Yahoo, but let me try and analyze this. The TOS says plainly that people are going to see objectionable thins in chat rooms and that it's not their fault. Then in order to get into the "romance" category, which any idiot can tell means "fucking". But after *that* you have to go to "adult." And just in case these brain surgans can't figure out what "adult romance" means, there's a warning box that pops up telling you you're not allowed to go in there unless you're under 18, which throws your innocent virginal image right out the window already if you go in there. And *then* you have to select "user rooms", which has, again, another warning box that says you should be careful becasue Yahoo didn't make them so they could be offensive. So how is this Yahoo's fault, exactly? And how does eliminating the ability to create your own chat room stop... well... ANYTHING that was already happening from happening? All it does is piss everybody off. I mean, I know, it's all about doing as little as possible to satisfy the soccer moms, but is it really too much to ask for that a freaking multi-million-dollar international corporation get a damn backbone? There's no way they'd lose in court.