by Knuckles the CLown » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:39 pm
$542.10 in a duffel bag at the train station. I did the right thing in reporting to the police that I found an empty duffel bag.
Since you are all dull non-risk taking hermit-fusbudgets, I assume you are good with money.
Without the $542.10 I currently enough money to feed cloth and shelter myself save $4.24 per month. I don't want to buy anything. What is the best way to "save" this money and have it "grow" to $700 by the end of the year.. Banks are currently ofering .0000000000000000000002% on Savings accounts, fuck that. I won't set up a retirement account and I don't want to put it somewhere were if I need to have access to it I will have to wait 2 weeks, sign forty documents and take a 75% tax penalty.
I will list your predicably unfunny answers, the quicker to get to the real business.
1. Bet on black
2. Vote a democrat into office
3. End this horrific war
4. Lottery tickets
5. The Stock Market
6. I will give you $700 if you quit posting and making me feel bad about my pathetic life.
I wish Milker was around he would know what to do.
$542.10 in a duffel bag at the train station. I did the right thing in reporting to the police that I found an empty duffel bag.
Since you are all dull non-risk taking hermit-fusbudgets, I assume you are good with money.
Without the $542.10 I currently enough money to feed cloth and shelter myself save $4.24 per month. I don't want to buy anything. What is the best way to "save" this money and have it "grow" to $700 by the end of the year.. Banks are currently ofering .0000000000000000000002% on Savings accounts, fuck that. I won't set up a retirement account and I don't want to put it somewhere were if I need to have access to it I will have to wait 2 weeks, sign forty documents and take a 75% tax penalty.
I will list your predicably unfunny answers, the quicker to get to the real business.
1. Bet on black
2. Vote a democrat into office
3. End this horrific war
4. Lottery tickets
5. The Stock Market
6. I will give you $700 if you quit posting and making me feel bad about my pathetic life.
I wish Milker was around he would know what to do.