Need I say more: ... php?t=3757
Did they search your bath tub for meth residue?
What a joke, when we talked about this at work Friday I was flaming pissed. I am still pissed for you.
I own a home and even then you have badge flashing federal agents knock on your door wanting information about a neighbor who is up for a security clearance check.
Funny how this works, this neighbor of mine has more GW stickers on his mini van then paint and is the neighbor who is always worried about everyone else. This federal agent asks me if I know said neighbor and I immediately said no. I am not going to converse with a federal agent about a neighbor and then have things I say put me in a situation that could be used against me. I could not believe this shit. If you need to do a security clearance check, go elsewhere. Ask the guys damn poodle he lets shit on everyone elses yard :)
The federal agent acted astonished I was not willing to disclose information.
See what I mean, this shit has gotten way out of line. Just another excuse to fricken nose into everyones business.
We should just create a huge pile of suck and label it Homeland Security. That way anytime our constitutional rights are fucking destroyed we can just claim Homeland Security.
What a disgrace! What year are we living in?
Now back to reading "My Pet Goat"
Unleash the dragon Sherwin! I will help you with the legal stuff :)