Why not rename Maxis.com THESIMS.COM?

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Expand view Topic review: Why not rename Maxis.com THESIMS.COM?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Oct 31, 2002 5:22 am

EA has done this to Bullfrog and Origin... after buying them, they figure out what the one franchise is that will make them money, and this "studio" (now) of theirs will do nothing but pump out sequels to that line. And when that line reaches the end of its productivity (like Dungeon Keeper and/or Syndicate did with Bullfrog) then that's it... no more games in that line.

I can't say I was this huge Sims fan or anything, but it's extremely unlikely that another game will come out from Maxis without the word "Sim" in the title somewhere. OK, some would say that it's been that way for a while anyway, but still.

Why not rename Maxis.com THESIMS.COM?

by Worm » Tue Oct 29, 2002 5:04 pm

It sure as hell doesn't have my Sim Tower patches!
