by jjsonick » Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:28 pm
As fate would have it, the ACK forum was born just as the Jolt Country BBS as a whole was sliding towards demolition. So, I am wondering if this fledgling forum can be preserved somehow (was that going to happen with the 'Robb's Text Games' forum as well?), or is that like asking for the Titanic's squash court to remain suspended above the water while the rest of the craft sinks beneath the waves?
As fate would have it, the ACK forum was born just as the Jolt Country BBS as a whole was sliding towards demolition. So, I am wondering if this fledgling forum can be preserved somehow (was that going to happen with the 'Robb's Text Games' forum as well?), or is that like asking for the Titanic's squash court to remain suspended above the water while the rest of the craft sinks beneath the waves?