by Flack » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:05 am
Someone willing to spend the time could probably make $100 or so off of parts, depending on the condition and what's inside. Aside from the marquee and the monitor, you've got those coin doors, plus potentially whatever's inside -- power supply, game boards, wiring harness, etc.
Nintendo monitors are indeed unique beasts and unless that one's completely trashed, someone would probably be willing to rebuild it. And by trashed I don't mean "not working", I mean "parts removed" or "smashed neck" ... and even then, someone would probably pull the boards off it. You would be amazed at the level of scavaging that goes on with some collectors.
For that matter, with a little work you could probably save the cabinet itself. I have seen online tutorials where people have sawed off the botton foot of a cabinet, built a new "cube" and fastened them together with dowels and wafers. To be honest an old Nintendo cab's probably not worth the effort, but I've seen people do it.
We've become a "throw away" society so this doesn't surprise me. There are a long line of kids out there looking to "MAME something" that I'm sure would have paid $25-$50 for the thing the way it sat.
Someone willing to spend the time could probably make $100 or so off of parts, depending on the condition and what's inside. Aside from the marquee and the monitor, you've got those coin doors, plus potentially whatever's inside -- power supply, game boards, wiring harness, etc.
Nintendo monitors are indeed unique beasts and unless that one's completely trashed, someone would probably be willing to rebuild it. And by trashed I don't mean "not working", I mean "parts removed" or "smashed neck" ... and even then, someone would probably pull the boards off it. You would be amazed at the level of scavaging that goes on with some collectors.
For that matter, with a little work you could probably save the cabinet itself. I have seen online tutorials where people have sawed off the botton foot of a cabinet, built a new "cube" and fastened them together with dowels and wafers. To be honest an old Nintendo cab's probably not worth the effort, but I've seen people do it.
We've become a "throw away" society so this doesn't surprise me. There are a long line of kids out there looking to "MAME something" that I'm sure would have paid $25-$50 for the thing the way it sat.