Can't move player on top of items in empty spaces

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Expand view Topic review: Can't move player on top of items in empty spaces

by Chris H » Fri May 29, 2009 11:26 pm

Weird - I'll have to add that to the list of things to check out (which unfortunately may be a while, I've been slammed at work)

I will say that the engine is geared around there being terrain everywhere... true, it shouldn't be necessary, but maps with blank areas aren't nearly as well-tested (can you tell?) and clearly there are some bugs to be worked out. :)

by GB » Wed May 27, 2009 11:09 pm

Yeah, I noticed this too. You'll see it in the tutorial game in the ACS rooms. You can't move on top of the flint knife or the troll's bone club, but in the next area you can move on top of the torch and the moonstone because they are on terrain spaces. In a game I'm using for experiments too, I have a room packed with all the items that come in the ultima kit, to test them out, you have to walk over some of them to get to others, but you can't walk over them in the latest version.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Wed May 27, 2009 1:52 pm

That sounds weird. Has he found a bug Chris?

I'll see if I can reproduce this problem myself.

Re: Can't move player on top of items in empty spaces

by rld » Wed May 27, 2009 10:16 am

rld wrote:In room-type regions, if I place a takeable item (like a misc item) in an otherwise empty location, the player is blocked from walking over the item.

If I put a 'floor' (a space object) under the item, the player can then walk over the item ok.
Update: If you put two takeable items in a stack, the player can walk over that stack without problems (even though there is no terrain underneath). However, if the player picks up one of those items (leaving only one behind), the player is again blocked from walking across.

Can't move player on top of items in empty spaces

by rld » Fri May 08, 2009 12:24 pm

In room-type regions, if I place a takeable item (like a misc item) in an otherwise empty location, the player is blocked from walking over the item.

If I put a 'floor' (a space object) under the item, the player can then walk over the item ok.

This doesn't show up in worldmap regions; in those types of regions, you can put an item in empty space and the player can move over it without any problem.

I verified this using the Ultima kit as well, by making a new adventure, importing the Ultima kit and making a couple of test regions. In the room-type region, if I put a 'food' object on empty space, the player cannot walk over it, but if I put a brick floor down first, the food item can then be walked over.
