by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu May 27, 2010 9:37 pm
mimno <mimno> wrote:
>> >In article <3vu0l6>, (Amy Budd) says:
>> ->WaTCH 0uT eVeRY0NE i aM K-/RaD!! GiVe Me aLL YouR WaReZ oR i'LL G0
>> ->MeDieVaL oN YouR aSSes!
>> ->JeSSiCa HaZaRD
That message was posted to Usenet in 1996. I remember Walrusitty and I laughing at it back then. I didn't remember that JeSSiCa's name -- Amy Budd -- was posted right in the message itself.
Those were the days. The days of k-/rAd warez.
mimno <mimno> wrote:
>> >In article <3vu0l6>, (Amy Budd) says:
>> ->WaTCH 0uT eVeRY0NE i aM K-/RaD!! GiVe Me aLL YouR WaReZ oR i'LL G0
>> ->MeDieVaL oN YouR aSSes!
>> ->JeSSiCa HaZaRD
That message was posted to Usenet in 1996. I remember Walrusitty and I laughing at it back then. I didn't remember that JeSSiCa's name -- Amy Budd -- was posted right in the message itself.
Those were the days. The days of k-/rAd warez.