by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:01 am
Ben wrote:so I am mainly posting for the expected eventual abuse.
What's the point? This is why I didn't want to collaborate on a single website, though.
OK, this is the most offensive thing you've ever said to me.
What's the
point??? The point,
Herr Parrish is that there are (if the sticky thread is any example) a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT people who visit here and expect to be entertained by our antics. And they sure aren't going to get it from alabaster and Dishbringer. The
point, sir, is that you are going to make a point, I am going to refute it, you are going to refute my... refutations (er) and it just goes on and on from there.
And the collaboration shot, that's just painful. A bullet through my soul. Here's the difference between the PWC/JC/MR "family" of websites and some hole like Pitchfork or Baseball Prospectus. OK? Here we go. Here we go. Bum-bum-BUM-bum-BUM-bum-bumbumbum-BUMBUm, OK:
o Pitchfork and BR hates everything, and when one of them hates something, which they all do, they groupthink their way into having the exact same opinion.
o PWC/JC/MR, well, one of us may hate something, but the other does not necessarily do so, and therefore we are engaged in a kind of *dialogue* and not just telling people (28 whole unique individuals, plus the one guy from Ireland who drops by around 3:30am MST and hasn't clicked on that thread yet) "this is how it is."
There is a *difference,* and that difference is so completely critical. In my mind at least.
But if you'd rather just speak AT people then speak with them, then I will sod off accordingly.
PS, killfiled
[quote="Ben"][quote]so I am mainly posting for the expected eventual abuse.[/quote]
What's the point? This is why I didn't want to collaborate on a single website, though.[/quote]
OK, this is the most offensive thing you've ever said to me.
What's the [i]point???[/i] The point, [i]Herr Parrish[/i] is that there are (if the sticky thread is any example) a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT people who visit here and expect to be entertained by our antics. And they sure aren't going to get it from alabaster and Dishbringer. The [i]point[/i], sir, is that you are going to make a point, I am going to refute it, you are going to refute my... refutations (er) and it just goes on and on from there.
And the collaboration shot, that's just painful. A bullet through my soul. Here's the difference between the PWC/JC/MR "family" of websites and some hole like Pitchfork or Baseball Prospectus. OK? Here we go. Here we go. Bum-bum-BUM-bum-BUM-bum-bumbumbum-BUMBUm, OK:
o Pitchfork and BR hates everything, and when one of them hates something, which they all do, they groupthink their way into having the exact same opinion.
o PWC/JC/MR, well, one of us may hate something, but the other does not necessarily do so, and therefore we are engaged in a kind of *dialogue* and not just telling people (28 whole unique individuals, plus the one guy from Ireland who drops by around 3:30am MST and hasn't clicked on that thread yet) "this is how it is."
There is a *difference,* and that difference is so completely critical. In my mind at least.
But if you'd rather just speak AT people then speak with them, then I will sod off accordingly.
PS, killfiled