A bunch of sick fucks

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A bunch of sick fucks

by Tdarcos » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:59 pm

Members of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church are going to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, claiming she deserved dying of the cancer she got and cheering that she died because of her support for gay rights. One of them stated that not only was it good she got cancer, but "she got a whoring husband, too!"

You got to wonder about the kind of hater who cheers in glee over the suffering of someone who did nothing to them (or to others), plus finding their pain due to their spouse's infidelities to be worthy of celebration.

Since some of the targets of Hitler's Final Solution was the gassing of homosexuals, I'll bet the Westboroites are deeply disappointed at the death of this elder statesman.

I think I'll talk about gays in a separate posting.
