Reason #1 why I am leaving Fort Collins

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Expand view Topic review: Reason #1 why I am leaving Fort Collins

by Ben » Tue Apr 01, 2003 7:44 pm

C'mon, bitch! Make with the funny funny Oriental talk!!

by Yumiko » Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:17 am

Fort Collins Summer!

Where is this place?! Yumiko and friends come to Colorado fort? Looks enjoying vacation. Join the Robb and have a nice summer.

Re: And I'M crazy

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:59 pm

danzaland wrote:And you thought the Police State was a Myth......
A police state wouldn't be so bad if it meant not getting beat up outside of Robocop II, though.

But anyway, I have a problem with a government being able to fine or arrest or round-up or "brand" or whatever it is they are trying to do to the bunch of us. I have also recently turned 180 degrees on the death penalty. I know, easy for me to do that when I have not had a member of my family fall victim to a horrible crime. I reserve the right to change this later. But for now I do not like this particular government (at the state and federal levels -- especially this particular state*) having at its disposal a legal means with which to kill us.

* It's actually more the city than the state. I still like this state. Given that it is unlikely that I, or any of us, are going to get a chance to see an earthrise, or to get in orbit around Neptune and so forth, the most beautiful landscapes and scenes that I have ever been witness to have come from this state. When the sun breaks through the clouds out here the view on 199 headed west is something straight out of the box art for The Pawn.

Re: Siamese Twin

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:39 pm

danzaland wrote:yes I/we are siamese twins.
We are connected at the shoulder.
One half is gay the other isn't.
The gay half has his boyfriend coming over.
We only have one ass hole.........
Well, it didn't take you very long to get the hang of this place.

Seeing how there is a great big void due to the recent (non-sanctioned, I might add) ban on pie and cows, it would be great if siamese twin jokes sort of stepped, collectively, into that void.

Siamese Twin

by danzaland » Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:31 pm

yes I/we are siamese twins.
We are connected at the shoulder.
One half is gay the other isn't.
The gay half has his boyfriend coming over.
We only have one ass hole.........

by Ben » Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:34 am

I had a dream last night that Danzaland was actually siamese twins (with light red hair), and then I remember thinking, "Ah, that's why he/they call him/themself/ves "danzaland", because, it's like, there's more than one of them, writing those emails sort of by committee.

In other news, you may not want to mix red wine and Tylenol PM before you go to sleep.

Other Ordinances

by danzaland » Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:25 am

Can you still get beat up in front of a movie theater......
J/K Robb

And I'M crazy

by danzaland » Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:24 am

And you thought the Police State was a Myth......

Re: It's not OC...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:51 am

Vitriola wrote:The town I live in in Orange County...there would be no guy washing his socks in a fountain. What guy? He was on a bus being dropped off across the border into Santa Ana before he could bare his feet. A Mexican friend driving in Irvine was told to 'Go back where you came from' by a cop, and if you see a black person, it's because they make more money in a year than you will see in 10. You can only paint your house 1 of 4 colors, and in Irvine, you don't even own your own land. The landscaping is just precious, though, darling. Toodle-oo!
Reason #2 I Am Leaving Fort Collins! There's no Vitriola! THIS BBS JUST GOT SEXIER!!!

It's not OC...

by Vitriola » Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:56 pm

The town I live in in Orange County...there would be no guy washing his socks in a fountain. What guy? He was on a bus being dropped off across the border into Santa Ana before he could bare his feet. A Mexican friend driving in Irvine was told to 'Go back where you came from' by a cop, and if you see a black person, it's because they make more money in a year than you will see in 10. You can only paint your house 1 of 4 colors, and in Irvine, you don't even own your own land. The landscaping is just precious, though, darling. Toodle-oo!

by Johnny Watson » Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:56 am

The girls is all salty/ The boys is all sweet/ The food ain't too shabby/ An' they piss in the street
In France/ Way down in France

They got diseases/ Like you ain't never seen/ Got a mystery blow-job/ Turn your peter green
In France/ Way down in France

They got some coffee/ Eatin' right through the cup/ An' when they go ka-ka/ They make you stand up
In France/ Way down in France

by Worm » Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:21 pm

You can always come to Forty Fort. There are mainly just old people who don't care it seems. There were some vandals who would write "PIG MAN" where ever someone would not clean up their dog's shit. The people are mad. You can loiter, spit, and piss if you want.

Reason #1 why I am leaving Fort Collins

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:40 pm

To sum up: in the effort to ban LOITERERS!! (OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) from the shithole that is "Old Towne," the city council wants to ban spitting.

Yes! Spitting!

No more spitting in Fort Collins! YAAAAY!!!!

Seriously, this is the most depressing town I have ever been anywhere near in my life. You know how the majority of us would like to eventually live in a reality where there is no crime? Well, not any longer for me, personally. No fucking way. With no crime government is NOT reduced! They simply attempt to legislate behavior instead. Fuck this. The dumb fuckers who run this city have no fucking idea how good they have it -- they do not NEED to find new laws to make!

A gang or band of criminals seriously needs to enter this city. Just to give law enforcement something to do. All this effort being spent on people driving and spitting is out of hand. Oh! Right! My brother chews tobacco, and spits out that crap. The band of criminals? I have seen them, and they are us!!!

I hate this fucking city for what it represents. It represents the failure of a successful America.

Whether it be people bathing in public fountains, spitting on sidewalks or blocking doorways, the Fort Collins City Council is moving to discourage unruly behavior in Old Town and elsewhere.
The council gave preliminary approval last week to a package of five ordinances aimed at updating City Code to cover behavioral problems. The measures would apply citywide, though "the issues that these ordinances address tend to plague downtown," said Chip Steiner, director of the Downtown Development Authority.

"It's enough to alter the perception of people visiting down there," Councilman Eric Hamrick said. "We want to present a nice, clean, healthy environment for people."

The gradual loss of civility downtown has become an issue during the past year. Some residents have complained about the proliferation of bars in the area and said they no longer feel safe there at night, while business owners argue that bad behavior is chasing away shoppers.

"We try to attract the young families to come down with their children, and then some guy comes down to wash his socks in the fountain," lamented Ed Stoner, president of Old Town Square Properties. The company owns and manages real estate in the square.

If approved, the ordinances under consideration would prohibit the following activities:

Trespassing, including climbing on public structures such as statues.

Bathing in manmade bodies of water, including public fountains.

Depositing bodily waste in public areas, including spitting and urinating.

Obstructing passageways. Residents would be barred from making passage through walkways "unreasonably inconvenient or hazardous," which would include sitting or lying within 20 feet of the entrance of a business during its operating hours. Use of public benches would be excluded.
Also under the ordinances, establishments with liquor licenses would be required to post a sign informing customers that police will be called for all disorderly acts or disturbances.

"As the mother of three children that were teenagers at the same time, I cannot believe some of the behavior we have to address here," Councilwoman Marty Tharp said.

Mayor Ray Martinez said City Code already covers some of the issues -- such as public urination -- but doesn't adequately deal with all of the problems. There's nothing in the current law, for example, to prevent packs of people from hanging around store doorways in Old Town Square -- a practice that business owners say discourages shoppers.

"Police have been hampered. People would call and complain, but there was nothing (police) could do," Martinez said. "I think (the ordinances) are a smart move in the sense of trying to get a handle on this now before we have a serious problem."

The ordinances are scheduled for final vote March 18.
