2012. The Year of Health

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by RetroRomper » Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:18 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:How was signing up for a gym? Last time I tried, I hated everything about it. I hated them tediously explaining shit to me, and I hated the fact that the place DEMANDED direct access to my checking account.
My local University has a sports / gym facility a few blocks from me. Its about $30 a month and its devoid of the hassles usually associated with a gym membership (no trainers, few if any lines for equipment, and it is largely absent of the normal stereotypes). So... I cheated.

by Tdarcos » Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:57 pm

By the way, this is the year of the dragon, not the year of health.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I hated them tediously explaining shit to me, and I hated the fact that the place DEMANDED direct access to my checking account.

But I am getting to where I need some place to exercise where it's warm.

Did the place you found demand your checking account number?
Find someone who has a government check, give them that number, and let the bastards go to jail for 10 years for stealing government funds!

(Be sure you use invisible/disappearing ink where you wrote it so the report can't be traced back to you.)

There are people who don't have checking accounts. I'm one of them. I have a share account at a credit union (that's the equivalent of a savings account and will not allow remote withdrawals), and I have a credit card. I do not have a checking account in my name at all. Not anywhere. So many places take credit cards that I use it in place of a checking account.

Once a month I go in person to the CU and get a check issued from my credit union that I use to pay off the entire balance on the credit card. Yes, I'm actually one of the very few people who pays off his credit card every month. Without fail.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:23 am

It's fine, I haven't lost much.

Here's my question, based on your post from the SC2 thread. How was signing up for a gym? Last time I tried, I hated everything about it. I hated them tediously explaining shit to me, and I hated the fact that the place DEMANDED direct access to my checking account.

But I am getting to where I need some place to exercise where it's warm.

Did the place you found demand your checking account number?

by RetroRomper » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:42 am

Considering the program is only seven or eight weeks long, I'd assume that two weeks would be a large blow (and after missing a week, I personally had to start from scratch).

But you've marked it - even if I can't find a 5k (or 10k, we'll see where I'm at...) around late march, I'll bug a friend of mine who was into varsity running in High School and College, to have a jog with me.

So there... March 25th. A bit late but doable.

2012. The Year of Health

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:59 pm

RetroRomper wrote:ICJ: Did you pick an event your going to run?
I don't know who TB is, but he sounds like an asshole. So I am gonna gun for this one:

http://denverhealth.org/Services/Public ... BTrot.aspx

On March 25th. How long does it take to lose one's progress running? I haven't been in two weeks. I am going to do 5K tonight in a series of "run for 6 minutes, walk for 1."
