by Admiral Ackguh » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:22 pm
Another feature that will prove useful, both with custom actions and otherwise, is target variables.
TOBJ - Target object
This is the object number of the last object Used or skill Cast. In the case of custom actions, the object selected (or pre-selected) from the list, and acted upon. With TOBJ it could be possible to set the same macro as the action for many different objects, thus saving macros.
LOC[TX] - X coordinate of target map location
LOC[TY] - Y coordinate of target location
The map location is the one of the last object or creature Attacked, Looked at, Talked to, or bumped into. The Drop, Get, Board. and eXit commands affect both a map location and an inventory item. In the case of Drop-Destroy, LOC[TX] and [TY] are zero.
Presently, if you need to know the map location of a bumped object, you need use in the macro the unreliable LASTMOV, and a MAPCHK for four possible locations (NESW). Finding the target of an attack with ranged weapon is impossible.
- A:A:
Another feature that will prove useful, both with custom actions and otherwise, is target variables.
TOBJ - Target object
This is the object number of the last object Used or skill Cast. In the case of custom actions, the object selected (or pre-selected) from the list, and acted upon. With TOBJ it could be possible to set the same macro as the action for many different objects, thus saving macros.
LOC[TX] - X coordinate of target map location
LOC[TY] - Y coordinate of target location
The map location is the one of the last object or creature Attacked, Looked at, Talked to, or bumped into. The Drop, Get, Board. and eXit commands affect both a map location and an inventory item. In the case of Drop-Destroy, LOC[TX] and [TY] are zero.
Presently, if you need to know the map location of a bumped object, you need use in the macro the unreliable LASTMOV, and a MAPCHK for four possible locations (NESW). Finding the target of an attack with ranged weapon is impossible.
- A:A: