You are now ready to chat with Prabhat.000
Prabhat: Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Prabhat how may I help you?
you: hello
you: me and my friends are starting a new on-line franchise today
Prabhat: Okay.
you: i have the latest on-line rosters
you: when we set the league up however it goes back to the original rosters from September not the newest
Prabhat: I am sorry to know about the issue you are experiencing.
Prabhat: It would be my pleasure to assist you with your issue.
Prabhat: May I know the gamertag and the linked EA account e-mail address?
you: knucklesdaclown
Prabhat: Thanks.
Prabhat: May I know your first and last name?
you: Michael Sherwin
Prabhat: Thanks.
you: your forums aren't working either, i have veified my email adress three times and it still says im unverified
Prabhat: No worries.
Prabhat: We have few of the troubleshooting steps which can help fix the issue for you. Let's try them.
you: ok
you: hello?!?!?!
Prabhat: Our tools are working slow at the moment.
Prabhat: I apologize for the delay.
Prabhat: Let’s first try to clear your console cache, this can sometimes cause issues with game. To remove these files, follow the steps mentioned at the below given link:
you: whoa whoah whoa
you: are you even listening to me?
you: the problem is with you guys not my xbox
Prabhat: Yes, I am and would appreciate if you could give a try to the suggested steps.
you: ok do you understand what im asking though?
Prabhat: Yes, your new roster is not uploading for the league.
you: no your guys roster is not updating,
Prabhat: I understand and would appreciate if you could give a try to the suggested steps. These steps have worked for most of our customers facing similar issues.
you: ok
you: ok i did what you asked
you: cached cleared
There may be a problem communicating with Prabhat. Please wait while your chat is transferred to another EA Expert.
You are now ready to chat with Arun.
you: hi Arun
Arun: Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Arun how may I help you?
you: ok in the madden football game
you: you guys do a roster update all the time
you: it updates the players throughout the year
you: I have the latest update on my xbox
Arun: Could you please be more specific about the issue?
you: im trying to
you: the latest rosters are on-line and off line but when you start an on-line franchise it sticks you with an old roster
Arun: There are two ways to update your online rosters for Madden 12.
Arun: Play an online game. This will cause the server to check your online roster, making sure that it is the most up to date.
Arun: 2 Choose Xbox Live or Play Online (PS3), select Madden NFL Online, select the Roster and Tuning option, and scroll down to the update roster option.
you: i have the latest roster
you: i can play on-line with it
you: its when I start an on-line franchise, it doesnt have the latest roster
Arun: Roster Updates within Madden NFL 12 on the Xbox 360 require an Xbox Gold Account. Without an active subscription to Xbox Live, the roster update feature will not be available.
you: i have a gold account
Arun: Okay,Please wait for a moment.
you: do you understand the problem. You are not letting people use the latest roster update for on-line franchise
Arun: May I know the EA account email id associated with the game?
you: are you a robot?
Arun: No,
you: you dont understand the problem, please describe to me what my problem is
Arun: Please listen to me care fully.
Arun: I have checked an email ID '''' provided by you and found that there is no game ''Madden 2012 ''registered in this account .
Arun: Could you please provide me your gamer tag?
you: what does that matter i bought the game its mine i play it all the time would you answer my question please?
Arun: Could you please provide me your gamer tag?
you: knucklesdaclown
Arun: Could you please provide me online pass code.
you: are freaking kidding me?
you: 8vul-gvwn-fmmk-vq55
you: you that worried i didnt shell out my 60 bucks for the game
Arun: Please wait for a moment.
Arun: I have checked the gamer tag ''knucklesdaclown'' provided by you and found that it is registered under an e-mail address which look like “************''.
you: holy shit, you cant just answer my question, now can you help me or what
Arun: Yes.You are right your gamer tag ''knucklesdaclown'' is registered under an e-mail address which look like “''
you: now that you are sure I haven't stolen the game can you answer the freaking question!
Arun: Okay,
Arun: I suggest that you post a report on this matter on the forums. These forums are reviewed by Production team and game Development team. By posting on the forums,you will be able to direct your report to the appropriate department.
you: are you fucking kidding me?
Arun: They will review your feedback and take appropriate actions. Also, I'll forward this matter from my end for further review.
you: a half hour of this you take all my info and you cant help
you: your FORUMS are broke! I CANT POST THERE
Arun: You can reach the main forums web site for EA games at http
you: ok you just gave me a link to a madden 11 forum
you: you guys are on madden 12
Arun: It's a madden 12 forum.
you: ok the link you provided asks if you will keep updating rosters for 11 when 12 comes out. Not very relevant to my question is it? do you even know what issue im having. Please tell me, i dont think you have any idea what issue im having
you: Arun, I will pay pal you $50 if you can actually describe the problem im having
you: $50 american cmon, I know you can do it
you: Hello????
you: Friend?