by RetroRomper » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:43 pm
Issues with Endless Space...
1) Planetary improvement feels flat - basically, I build up the pop of a planet so I can switch it to max industry or science to either speed up my credit allotment or research. After that, I don't need to ever actually touch a base nor does anything interesting ever happen.
This isn't even touching on the fact that four or five planets are grouped together and each is a functioning base... A bit too streamlined?
2) Combat feels too... Streamlined. I have my carrier / BC groups, but ES (Endless Space) offers less than Alpha Centauri, CIV 2 - 5, or MOO2 in regards to immersion.
3) Economics feels fairly stagnant - all I do is max my trade route bonuses and boom... I'm done.
4) Games are fairly 2D - build up planets -> Max industry / science -> Build ships -> subvert. Though its about the metagame, there doesn't appear to be any sort of real enthusiasm to push me to keep playing. Alpha Centauri had secret projects and the constant threat of both the Planet and other players knocking you over, MOO2 felt as if I lived on the pulse of the universe... ES feels... Dead.
5) The tech tree doesn't give "rewards" for me to care about moving up it. Okay, so weapons, ships, and shields offer new things for me to play with but the more important trees give me what? A new button to press so I can colonize a lava planet? Though required to beat the game, it doesn't really draw me into it.
Issues with Endless Space...
1) Planetary improvement feels flat - basically, I build up the pop of a planet so I can switch it to max industry or science to either speed up my credit allotment or research. After that, I don't need to ever actually touch a base nor does anything interesting ever happen.
This isn't even touching on the fact that four or five planets are grouped together and each is a functioning base... A bit too streamlined?
2) Combat feels too... Streamlined. I have my carrier / BC groups, but ES (Endless Space) offers less than Alpha Centauri, CIV 2 - 5, or MOO2 in regards to immersion.
3) Economics feels fairly stagnant - all I do is max my trade route bonuses and boom... I'm done.
4) Games are fairly 2D - build up planets -> Max industry / science -> Build ships -> subvert. Though its about the metagame, there doesn't appear to be any sort of real enthusiasm to push me to keep playing. Alpha Centauri had secret projects and the constant threat of both the Planet and other players knocking you over, MOO2 felt as if I lived on the pulse of the universe... ES feels... Dead.
5) The tech tree doesn't give "rewards" for me to care about moving up it. Okay, so weapons, ships, and shields offer new things for me to play with but the more important trees give me what? A new button to press so I can colonize a lava planet? Though required to beat the game, it doesn't really draw me into it.