Cities: Skylines, plus fuck you.

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Expand view Topic review: Cities: Skylines, plus fuck you.

by Tdarcos » Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:16 pm

AArdvark wrote:Can we, the general public, SEE the city flooding and huge wave?

"Help me? Help me my ass, Kabakov! If anything went wrong, all I'd get from you is a postcard from fucking Tel Aviv saying, 'Sorry about the crater and the tidal wave'!"
- FBI Agent Corley to Israeli antiterrorist Major Kabakov, Black Sunday

by AArdvark » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:12 pm

Can we, the general public, SEE the city flooding and huge wave?


by pinback » Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:34 am

Great question, Captain Threadkill.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:29 pm

What government authority controled the damming of the river, anyway?

by pinback » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:58 pm


One of the true joys of gaming, and there are very, very few of those, is when something you took for granted in a game, something you gave no thought at all, does something unexpected and spectacular.

Cities: Skylines provided me one of those this evening.

The game features rivers, you see. The purpose of the rivers, I assume, is to look nice, and give you a way to pump water into your city, and maybe give boats a way to get to your harbor. Fine. They're not the nicest looking rivers in gaming, but they're, you know, fine, for background scenery.

And then I built a dam.

Like everything else in the game, it looked very nice, and the little people and cars did their little people and car things on it, and it provided some extra electricity to the city, and everyone was happy. For about 30 seconds. That's when I saw a "warning icon" I'd never seen before, and it was over pretty much every building near the dam. Mousing over the icon revealed that these buildings were flooding. Flooding? Why are th---

The river that I had mistaken for background scenery had risen, due to the dam, and was now flowing all over the nice quiet residential area alongside it.

Now look, in any other game, this would be a matter of statistics. But in Cities: Skylines, the river is an actual flowing volume of liquid. There is no apparent "flooding method" being called in the code anywhere. The liquid is programmed to act like liquid. And so, when it gets high enough, it just spills into the city.

In a panic, I removed the dam, and the water acted just like you'd expect water to act... an enormous wave poured down from where the dam had been, sloshing about to and fro, eventually leveling back out further down the river...

The screenshot above was from a couple minutes later -- I was too busy being amazed to capture the actual thing as it happened -- but you can still see the ramifications of adding and then removing that dam. Looks like a goddamn wave pool.

And then it all settles back down, and the water -- being water -- eventually started to drain back out of the city, once the river level subsided.

An incredible amount of detail implemented for something seemingly so tangential to the whole thing. But that's how the whole game is implemented, so after a while, it stops being surprising, and you just smile.

An astonishing achievement.

by Jizaboz » Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:50 pm

Looks like a neat game. I'm all out of RCT coaster building motivation. That's the only other "building stuff and watching it do stuff" game I got into for long.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:58 am

/taps mic
/pulls collar
/taps notecards
/taps mic
/mimes being Space Ghost

by pinback » Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:57 am

It will be nice for you to have a way of experiencing residential buildings that do not fall apart as soon as you purchase them.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:54 am

Okay, I have purchased Cities: Skylines. I have zero time for such trivialities but I made an exception because I had Steam credit. I also got Lords of Xulima or whatever it's called because Richard Goodness said it was full of Richard Goodness.

by pinback » Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:54 am

Please shut this BBS down. There is no point anymore. I'm the only one who posts content anymore. Let's all move over to

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:35 am

Can you add a Rodo Dendra parade?

NOTE: I spelled that wrong but I'm so cavaleer I don't care!


by pinback » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:53 am

You can see downtown across the river. I named this little hamlet "Ferndale".

It's much like the real life Ferndale, CA, except the DJs at the local radio station will give you the 3 AM slot for an hour instead of being assholes about it and jeopardizing lifelong friendships.

by RealNC » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:31 am


by pinback » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:26 am

Now it does! :D :D :D XD XD XD :D :D :) :) :/ :/



:( :(


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:49 pm

pinback wrote:These are some bad fuckin' ramps. But they work.

God, this is the greatest game ever.
That image does not work!!!

by pinback » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:12 pm

These are some bad fuckin' ramps. But they work.

God, this is the greatest game ever.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:31 am

Pinback: Look, get Cities: Skylines, build a nice residential area, and you can pretend THAT'S your house!

Pinback: If it doesn't work out, fuck it, bulldoze it and build a new one!  Now THAT'S your house!

Ice Cream Jonsey: How about I play a game of DEFCON and ten minutes in, pretend one of the areas hit is the house.

Pinback: Then draw a dick on it.

* * *

Pinback: You know what my favorite thing in the game is?  Do you know?  I never knew this about myself, but my favorite thing ever is designing bus lines.

Ice Cream Jonsey: Oh yeah

Pinback: After having done the bus thing in Santa Monica on my trips, now I want to design bus lines.

Ice Cream Jonsey: I put a bus line in Fallacy of Dawn, and it was fucking fun.

Ice Cream Jonsey: I just to go to one of the stops and just wait for the bus to arrive.

Ice Cream Jonsey: And ride around the city.

Pinback: Bus lines, man.  That's our ticket outta this dump.

Ice Cream Jonsey: Possibly my favorite thing in making any of these shitty shitwares.

Pinback: That's it.  I'm making a bus line text adventure.

Ice Cream Jonsey: Hahhaha

Ice Cream Jonsey: “It was a pleasure to ride."


by pinback » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:39 pm

Couple more hours in:

Just... Just wonderful.


Everyone get it, seriously. I know I love everything, but seriously, this is... this deserves our support.

So great.

by AArdvark » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:10 pm

If he's willing to trade some DR airtime I'm willing to throw a few bucks...Wait. Why does this sound like a TDarcos bargain? What levels of hell have we brought ourselves down to!


by ChainGangGuy » Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:30 pm

We're filth. Not one of us sprung for that Tabasco gift he had his heart set on. Not one.

Did anyone even offer to chip in?
