I recently had a conversation with a lesbian woman at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco who says she spent over $10k on training for a rescue dog to stop him from biting people and certain other dogs. Am I being a callous asshole to think that maybe it's more compassionate to euthanize animals who have been abused and misstrained and as such aren't able to get along in a civil household? These animals are hurt, in pain, abused such that they'll act out as any sentient animal would after such horror. Why not let them sleep and focus scarce resources on saving less damaged "pets". Why are we treating them like they're humans and going to miss "the future"? Why are we acting like we don't have the right to decide when to make that decision?
Not throwing shade at ICJ but maybe the rescue dog shouldn't have been cleared to be adopted into a home with cats. I went to PetSmart and they wouldn't sell me a snake unless I told them that I had a big enough tank. Maybe rescue shelters shouldn't worry so much about their $30 adoption fee as much as learning about how the potential "pet" might fit into the environment. If they suspect violent behaviour then perhaps they should only adopt to owners with special provisions. I refuse to donate to pet shelters because I think they need to change their entire attitud about matching homes with animals.
What do you guys think? Should shelters do more to make sure that a potentially damaged pet can succeed in the new environment?