Happy "Happy Day"!

Video Game Discussions and general topics.

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Post by Eric »

Wait until I inflict upon you the Inform port of my almost totally non-interactive 15 kb Adrift game (ported from an old short story).

(I think we need a name other than IF for these games on rails. Hmmmm. How about Semi-Interactive Dramatized Stories. SIDS? That sound about right?)

I'll have to poke around a bit to see what's been going on or maybe I don't want to know?

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Post by Worm »

Okay, that was SIDS crack was pretty great. I usually call non-interactive games Final Fantasy games myself.
Eric, if you like looking at blow job pics ... you want to know what's been going on here. If you don't I don't think you want to know what's been going on here. Though there has been some humor. Oh, Hi, I'm Worm!
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Well, that is sort of funny for a couple reasons, the first being that you were always such a strong proponent of non-Big Three systems catered to non-programmers and the second being that you've chosen to go to Inform while several of us here are trying to follow Robb's footsteps and put out some Hugo games (well, my personal reason is more just that Hugo seems like a very capable system and I have a soft spot in my heart for underdogs).

Still, I can see why Inform is so appealing. The Inform pages by Roger Firth really are spectacular and now we even have really cool z-code interpreters like Windows Frotz 2002, which allow for making z6 style games (not that Hugo isn't a kickass multimedia IF system but most of us have fond recollections of those Infocom games).

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Post by Eric »

Worm wrote: Eric, if you like looking at blow job pics ... you want to know what's been going on here. If you don't I don't think you want to know what's been going on here. Though there has been some humor. Oh, Hi, I'm Worm!
Awww. I was hoping everyone would say nothing interesting was going on!

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Post by Eric »

Roody_Yogurt wrote:Well, that is sort of funny for a couple reasons, the first being that you were always such a strong proponent of non-Big Three systems catered to non-programmers and the second being that you've chosen to go to Inform while several of us here are trying to follow Robb's footsteps and put out some Hugo games (well, my personal reason is more just that Hugo seems like a very capable system and I have a soft spot in my heart for underdogs).
I've just messed around with Inform for a couple weeks. I ripped off a lot of code that I don't even understand. What was irking me was that every system I've tried keeps relentlessly changing. It maybe isn't a huge issue that the games become harder to play, requiring someone to find the right old interpreter but my having to relearn the language is a pain. Alan started heading toward a new, incompatible version while I was in the middle of writing a game. Adrift changes every two weeks. Tads 2 will still be around, but let's face it, it's becoming last year's model. Then too, it is really easy to just lay out locatons and elementary stuff in any language because, after all, that's what they're designed to help you do. After that, though, the real difficulty starts. So maybe my ambition ought to be a ridiculously simplistic game in every language thus saving me from ever having to tackle any actual programming.

There was a minicomp announced on the Adrift Board for 15 kb games. To see how quick that might be done I tore up an old story and stuck it here and there into the Adrift generator. After I was done, you can output text from Adrift, which I did, getting a textfile of objects, locations etc and thought, well, why not just plug in Inform code? Because Adrift does things simply and the game, such as it was, had been pretty much reduced to its simplest format to fit into 15 kb. An interesting question is how much can you pare a game down without damaging it? Interesting to me, at least, because it's also the question of how little programming you need.

Alan is way simpler than Inform. Overall. It enabled me to learn a little about programming. But used for the most basic things, I'm not sure it is really any easier than Inform and if I'm only using Alan simplistically, to do stuff that's just as simple in Inform,then why not use Inform since far more people wlll download an Inform game from the archive?

Hugo I should probably look at again since it struck me as too much like Inform. However, I fear I am an eternal dabbler.

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Post by bot »

I demand to know why the hell I wasn't mentioned in anyone's HAPPY DAY greetings. I mean, just because I'm an unfeeling husk of sarcastic voyuerism doesn't mean that I don't genuinely try to enlighten you people from time to time. And, what's more to the point, I have forty, count 'em 40, GUL-DARN POSTS to my name.

Has it all been a pointless waste??
No signatures is good signatures.

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Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I forgot bot. And the JC Comedy Players.

Dammit all.

Bot -- you know we dig you, m'man.

JCCP: Rock on, denizens.
Then he added it.
Good point Bobby!

Molly Muffsweet

Post by Molly Muffsweet »

Didn't anything have anything nice to say about me? :sad:

Only the sweetest,

Molly Muffsweet

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Post by gsdgsd »

Molly Muffsweet wrote:Didn't anything have anything nice to say about me?
You're my favorite poster, Molly. Real or fake.


chester the sock pupet

Post by chester the sock pupet »

Didn't anything have anything nice to say about me?

Really pretty
you are very good
I'm chester
I like your shiny dress
Are you a princess?
Do you mind if I call you
Princess Passion?


Happy Day Results

Post by milkunits »

Do we have any measurement detailing the amount of happiness that was shared on Happy Day?

Overall, do we think it was a success?

I spoke briefly with Robb Sherwinator this weekend and we both agree that Happy Day is good, but maybe after 12 hours of Happy Day we should re evaluate. I mean 2 hours of happiness out of Robb is a fricken record :)

Small steps, small steps my friends.


Robb, we need a program

Post by milkunits »

That tracks the amount of happiness shared on Happy Days. It could display a bar graph showing the amount of pure joy and passion displayed on Happy Days.

I want bar graphs, pie charts, and a power point presentation.

Robb, only you can bring measurement to happiness you son of a bitch!!!!!!

You have the power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice Box Pie

Post by Ice Box Pie »

Blue and Pinback should hang out wit a guy named Jo.

Seriously. Then you could tour as Blue Jo Pinback and think of all the Matrix Reloaded and/or Requiem for a Dream fans you'd have at your concerts. I don't know exactly what you'd do at these concerts, but I guess if there's lots of Matrix and/or Requiem for a Dream fans there, Blue could reinact scenes from RFAD on one side of the stage while Pinback does karate moves on the other.

Maybe you could get Nancy McKeon from Facts of Like to tour with you. She played "JO", she'd work perfectly. I think she wants to leave her FOL years behind her, but once she heard this idea, I'm sure she'd be all for it.

Think about it.

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Post by Lex »

I'm glad Happy Day is over, because I think you're all a bunch of snivelling arseholes.

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Post by bruce »

Lex wrote:I'm glad Happy Day is over, because I think you're all a bunch of snivelling arseholes.
Hey, at least I get a check, rather than a tummy rub, at the end of each pay period.


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