Jonsey, I'm not sure what your objection is. Seemed like the comments were reasonable. At least one example was where on video, an old man was talking to a police officer, maybe he was angry, but the (Buffalo) Police officer, in riot gear, shoved the man, who had not touched him, to the ground so hard he was bleeding. Then the cop who shoved him and at least three other cops just walked on, as if nothing happened. Nobody even bothered to check him. I think the only reason there wasn't public outrage was because the 71-year-old man was white.Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:41 pm These guys in this thread drive me crazy. ... pid=201386
I don't have time to get into it but it's just one objectionable comment after another over there.
One poster on Caltrops said it perfectly:
Mayor: Can't you guys stop beating up civilians, especially on camera, at least for the next 72 hours?
Cops: Nope!
There was video by a man who claimed to be a police officer, who declared what was done in Minneapolis to George Floyd was murder. And Derek Chauvin's cop buddies who were there did nothing to stop him.
The Floyd killing has caused thew kind of national outrage I don't think I've seen in my life.
I saw a video (on YouTube, not as parrt of the Caltrops postings) of a clearly upset black woman talking about buildings being burned. She pointed out, in civilized society, there is supposed to be a social contract, we have laws to protect everyone, and police to enforce those laws. And the police are supposed to treat the public responsibly, as professionals, and to respect everyone's rights. But what has happened is, they broke the social contract. Once they've broken the social contract, they've indicated they're not civilized, so it doesn't matter, we don't have to be either, "and I hope the rioters burn everything down."
I can understand her outrage, and she might be right. except if you burn your own neighborhood, you've got nothing.
Or they might get smart. One man was talking to his housekeeper during the 1965 Watts riot, and she spoke about the looting and rioting. 'They're stupid. If they were smart, they'd do that to Beverly Hills. The next ones will." The man decided to take heed of her comments, sold his property and moved out of the Los Angeles area.
Personally, I think this country is on a knife edge, and the last thing we need is stupid cops acting irresponsibly, and while they know they are being filmed. Police supervisors all over the country should be telling their officers to use extra tact, extra caution and be even more careful than usual.
Because, the cops have been lucky. Another stupid incident like the Floyd killing, and those looters will come to the same conclusion, that the social contract has been broken, they won't be robbing TV stores, they'll be robbing gun shops. And sooner or later these cops drive home, where they are an easy target for someone with a grudge. If you've got nothing to lose, then you're liable to do anything.
But let's hear your thoughts from the other side, police actions/accountability/responsibility/miconduct. What about the idea of "defunding" or "abolishing" police?
"Defunding" does not mean zeroing the police budget, it means reducing it and spending it on other things. Like if there is a call about a domestic dispute (like arguing) the 9-1-1 PSAP doesn't send two armed police officers, they send two people trained in conflict resolution. You want to de-escallate, allow both to calm down, maybe explain their side, and if they are not mad at each other (and aren't going to fight anymore) leave them be. If necessary (such as domestic partner abuse) then police can be called for what they are supposed to do, arrest him or her. (Surprisingly, I found out that female-on-male domestic abuse is not rare, it is only slightly less common than the inverse.)
Police are supposed to investigate crimes, collect evidence and arrest people. That's all. But so many other agencies that could respond instead have been eliminated that in some cases, police are the only resource available. Mental health treatment is so deficient that police and jails are the #1 handlers and providers of mental health services.
"Abolishing" police means you eliminate the police department (which eliminates the union contract making it impossible to fire brutal cops) and start something new where all current police have to reupply, and you might get rid of the worst bad apples.
But let's hear your thoughts from the other side, police actions/accountability/responsibility/miconduct. What about the idea of "defunding" or "abolishing" police?