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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Sixty miles from Denver, the fire burns.

How fast does fire travel, anyway? I mean, I know that it would take me 45 mins to high-tail it out of there if my car was where the fire currently is, but that's because I know that I can reliably drive my car at 90mph. So... 60 miles from Denver... it would then need to cut north and go another 70... yeah, I'm okay.

Although if it were to hit Longmont it would instantly blow up the entire town because the sewage plant is downtown. It would be like the greatest and most magnificant lit fart of all time.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by msherwin »

As far as the fire's go. It was like 98 degrees out here when the Hayman Fire(the biggest one) started. Here's how-A bunch of goddamn hippies and nature boys run outside to the mountain parks as quick as they can and start bar-b-q's, even though it's hot as hell and ILLEGAL to have bar-b-q's where they were. When they are done frying their tofu dogs and bran burgers, they dump the smoldering charcoal in to the wilderness where it hasn't rained since like 1952. The second the coals hit the ground it's an inferno.

The best part, the same people who protest and whine about conservation and preservation and Urban Sprawl, single handedly destryoed over 100,000 acres set aside for national parks, wildlife and camping. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

Right now there are 8 fires burning. As far as I know, one was caused naturally due to an underground mine shaft fire that had been smoldering for years, the rest have been caused by jackasses.

Last night they arrested a person who was intentionaly trying to start fires.

Fort Collins is unaffected. If I have to evacuate, I'll see you in Boston.


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

This fire is apparently visible from where I work.

I don't have enough interest to go to the window and check. But someone passed this around in intra-company e-mail, so I thought I'd pass the savings onto you.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Protagonist X
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Post by Protagonist X »

Eerie: Right after I read msherwin's post the other day, I came across a joke I'd never heard before.

Q: What's orange and yellow and looks great on hippies?

A: Fire

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Post by Lex »

Having missed it the first time around, I just purchased Red Alert II. I have spent nearly two hours re-capturing your flight-academy & defending your neighbourhood from Communist Russia. In fact, I just got reinforcements "sent in from Denver".
And now you're telling me, that after all my hard work, the fucker is burning down?
That is so gay.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Hey, did they get the guy who played Kane to be in Red Alert II, or was that before/after the time he was slated to be alive?

Right now a kid with a full book of matches could take out the state of Colorado, so the Nod wouldn't have to work very hard if they planned their attacks right..... now.
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Post by Lex »

Good call, I'll get on that. In the original Red Alert, if you play as the Soviets, one of Stalin's henchmen occasionally comes and whispers things in his ear; the 1940 version of EVA Intelligence, I guess.
Everyone thinks it's an injoke that that guy whom you only see for a few seconds at a time is played by the same guy who plays Kane, until at the very end of the game when Stalin & his bird are in the whitehouse.
They are celebrating, then she tops Stalin, and grabs the bauld henchmen and we get some "we will rule the world together!" stuff, before he stabs her in the back, looks down at her body quizzicly, then looks up at your character (all C&Cs bar the godawfully acted Tiberium Sun are done in 1st person for the cutscenes; it's much cooler to feel involved that way) anyway, the camera zooms up to his face and he says "The future? The future, is Kane!" before walking off.
It is obvious that at roughly this point the original C&Cs storyline would take off (or not, as it's set in an alternate timeline where all this is possible because Einstein travelled back to eliminate Hitler as a young man), so they couldn't get around that in RA2; he doesn't exist. But the old-fashioned wonderful "you-are-a-character" stuff continues even in the missions, which really rocks; unlike the other C&Cs where you'd get a transmission very occasionally, you get constant updates to the storyline or cool footage of your units' in action appearing where your radar should be very frequently.
Man, playing the Russkies in the original RA rocked, there was such a huge drama happening at the same time between all the characters on that side.
After being with them, then playing the Allies, who just give you your mission and look bored, I turned off the game.
The baddies are always cooler.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Also, Kari Wuhrer (sp?) plays Agent Tanya, right? Who is also in "Eight Legged Freaks." And the tv show "Sliders." I don't know where I am going with this. But I will say that I bought an air conditioner for my room today. It's a small one, and has only been running for like ten minutes, but I am going to keep it running until it's a frosty 30 degrees Fahrenheit in my room. I want to leave a glass of water out and have the contents freeze into a rock-solid cube of ice.

The only thing that sucks is that my window closes from the side, not the top. So I've got three pieces of wood arranged helter-skelter around one another and a large blanket trying to stop the cool air from leaking out. I'm going to measure it at some point and go over to Home Depot and get a larger piece of singular wood to do the job, but hopefully my precious freon-chilled air won't "heat the outside" (as dad used to say) in the meantime.

(Also getting my car's A/C fixed on Monday, but that's another story.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Oh, and you know how in that old arcade game "Captain American & The Avengers" you'd bring your guy up to a barrier, start hitting "punch" and eventually the barrier would break off and disappear? That's how my brother got the screen out of my window. Apparently the designers for the townhouse didn't want the serfs removing it. So Mike turned reality into his own personal knockoff of "Final Fight."

FOR SALE: One screen window. <s>Slightly</s>Extremely bent. Priced to move.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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