Jesus christ, what's wrong with me wasting time here? I'm in the top 4% of number of followers on LinkedIn, every stupid post or quip comment I make gets likes, loves, funnies, etc. Every second I spend over there is more valuable and entertaining then at least the last decade of this bbs.
So, goodbyes:
Vark, love your projects and coctail pics but there's Youtube and I drink so . . . anyway glad I met you that one time when I sold you Straw's xbox stuff.
Jizz, jealous of your life, wish I could stay in a trailer and surf every year, kawabunga man
Tdarcos, ended up enjoying your posts the most, wish you all the starburst in the world
Flack, it's ok, you can come back now, ICJ needs you to keep the lights on here
Pinback can suck elephant anus
ICJ, most dissapointed in you, we should have had some stuff in common like childless, having pets, and liking video games, didn't realize you were sleeping with Ben Parrish.
Last one: