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Post by Worm »

So, I tried to post this once and crashed. I saw this on the local TV news program. The details are not intact but the innate humor is.

This guy is working on his house with an auger bit drill. He also has a ladder set up for house work. The ladder has right by it the auger bit standing up as if this guy were trying to remake the pit from Mortal Kombat. So the dumb bastard falls and the bit pierces his eye ball. He loses just that, his eye. He is fine otherwise. There is a great picture of an X-Ray of the bit straight through his head. I'll look for it.
Good point Bobby!

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Location: Scotland, Bonnie

Post by Lex »

So it wasn't a


Cos, y'know someone's gotta do it.

News Worm

Post by News Worm »

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