You're creepy. Seriously, it sounds like you are sitting in front of your computer dressed all in black (or even worse in some preppy outfit like brown pants and denim shirt) with a gun in one hand and your dick in another.Worm wrote:The funniest thing is you are right.
It is that we need more reform. The prison system is a mess. Granted this whole reform not prison cells has been around awhile I don't know what book everyone who gets into this argument with me has read though I'd like to know. It is the Christian influence that did all this and it did severely mess shit up. We'd be much better off if Philip and Morris were selling weed as opposed to cigarettes.
I'm not saying I know about what our government should do. I'm not trying to inform you all I have the best plan ever that would be better in the long run for everyone. I never claimed the intellectual high ground. I just would like to see the dealers ... hell even the users be put to death. I hate the whole drug scene that much. It's nice to pretend I must have some preestablished political idea set or something.
I just hate people who do drugs and every fucking day of my life is a suppressing and ignoring that. It isn't because of religion, it isn't because of some imposed set of morals, I can say it's because I don't want people to die ... though I really don't care if I don't know them, and truth be told when I do I don't care much either, I just want them to die because I hate them. Pure and simple. Maybe I thought leaving out the user part would make it seem less nuts or the stupid little three strike thing. I don't really know. I just hate drugs and every day all I see are alcoholics and drug bags breathing down my neck. I thought for a millisecond maybe someone wouldn't be someone I have to totally blank out aspects of to like.
Most people with half a brain are more scared of people like you than of a pothead.