getcher KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC ON bitches, plz

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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getcher KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC ON bitches, plz

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Grest moments in installing history!

Four fucking discs. It's seriously taken me an hour to install the motherfucker. Oh, and it never bothered to tell me how much shit it's dumping onto my drive. That, plus it's a Bioware game, so you do the entire install hoping that it's not going to have that bug where it gets to the end of the four discs they bothered to include in the box and then hits you up with the "Please insert disc # 5" thing. RIGHT, BOYS, YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO HARD CODE THAT SHIT, USE A FUCKING VARIABLE FOR HOW MANY DISCS THERE ARE, HAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, this game had better be fucking good. Everyone I know has given it positive reviews, even people I know who hate everything and people who I know who hate everything except Star Wars shit because they are brainwashed by the inferior storytelling of their youth.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Sure enough, it asked for Disc Five.

Thanks, bitches!!
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Post by Worm »

This is what? Fifty bucks? I need to start dealing dope. I'm got a bit of a boner over this game. I hope they fixed the errors from the X-box in it.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It runs about as well as sludge and molasses trying to grind honey on my computer.

I don't even know what I was going for there, that's how terribly it runs.

Tron 2.0 runs a little better though. Might stick with that.

The problem with KOTOR is that it asked me to make a moral decision right after the Saints won. I was asked if I was planning on sticking around on the game's first ship or bolting. Well, of course I am going to stick around: the Saints beat the Redskins. If they had lost it would have been every man for himself, only not every man, just this man. And not me, personally, but my in-game avatar.

The random Star Wars name generator thing is excellent, by the by.
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Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

See why I like consoles now? You just put it in and play, and it runs fine.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Like I said months ago, I thought Tron 2.0 was overall a mediocre and uninspired game. I was going to go without mentioning it again, but I just saw on gamespot an ad for some new levels only available to Windows XP levels. What fucking whores; my respect for them cannot go any lower.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Early analysis of KOTOR: LIKING IT.

They should make you pick up a joystick for the fighting portions, though. Eh, well.

But so far my d00d:

1) Has an upcoming date with a fascist. Ohhhh, lovely. He got it because of his "persuade" ability, which is pretty much all the reason why I boosted it.

2) Has been in the arena and taken out the first two tools, only to fall to "Ice." So that sort of sucked.

Oh, and apparently you can recruit lots of NPCs, but can only take two with you. Just so long as I get to pick and choose who goes where that's OK with me, I guess.
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Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

KOTOR running poorly?

Hell, it runs pretty well on my work laptop. That is, a Latitude C640. Granted, it's 2gHz and has 512m of RAM, but has a lowly Radeon 9000 for video. It's very playable at 1024x768, leaving the graphics settings on default. Jonsey, please don't tell me that you, you "true gamer", are using a machine to play games that is inferior to my fucking work laptop that's a P.O.S. Dell.

Tron 2.0 fucking rules. Roody, you're just plain wrong on this one. Admit it, and move on.

And YOU, Straw. Enough with your console love. Go play Mario. You want easy, go play checkers. Until then, the rest of us will recognize PCs as the superior gaming machine.

Playing games on a PC vs a console is like baking a cake from scratch versus eating a Twinkie. Sure, the Twinkie is just unwrap and eat, and is something to shove down your hungry gullet. The cake takes time, a little more work, and occassionally a cake will just go flat and be inedible... but when it works right, it's spectacular.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

If Robb actually finished games that he buys, he also would see how Tron 2.0 fails to deliver in the end and all of its early promising aspects are as good as it's ever going to get.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, but let's be honest, that's never gonna happen. I still haven't gotten past the first day in "Republic: The Revolution."

A JC Programming Note for the Non-Gamers: One "real" or "earth" day does not in fact equal a real day in "Republic: The Revolution." It's compressed time.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Incidently, I bought Final Fantasy X-2 two days ago because the hot chyk I live with wanted to see how the story ended and I thought it might be a good game to play.

Keep in mind that I don't know how FFX ends, and I'll kill any motherfucker that spoils it for me.

Anyway, it's safe to say that outside of Liberace fucking a Boon-ga Boon-ga machine, the beginning of FFX-2 is the gayest ten minutes in commercial gaming history. How can something with three hot girls be so flaming? I don't know, but tip your hats to Square.
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Post by Lex »

I am buying a bunch of videogame shee-it, some from

I am really pissed, actually. I was getting all happy with myself for succesfully bidding (and winning) a 7" possable standee of Master Chief from Halo, still boxed, etc.


Now I've found out that this motherfucker friend of Keza's, who's dad must work for someone or other, has a 4-foot master chief in her living room, who is posable, and has a loadable shotgun, and everything. She has several models of full-sized grunts. She even has one of the head-popper Spawn, which makes gurgley noises when you clap next to it.

I have never heard of any of this stuff, and it certainly isn't on Ebay.

I want to be friends with her daddy.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Ha, that's pretty great.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lex wrote:Now I've found out that this motherfucker friend of Keza's, who's dad must work for someone or other, has a 4-foot master chief in her living room, who is posable, and has a loadable shotgun, and everything. She has several models of full-sized grunts. She even has one of the head-popper Spawn, which makes gurgley noises when you clap next to it.
Michael Jackson had a lot of novelties like that, and he loved children to boot.

Not that I am calling you a child. You have a right to be immature, unlike the rest of us late-twentysomethings.

I want to be friends with her daddy.
Just make sure that when you're over there, you're wearing a cup.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Just make sure that when you're over there, you're wearing a cup.
More to the point, he's wearing a condom. We're a few years away from an AIDS vaccinie, you know.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

bruce wrote:More to the point, he's wearing a condom. We're a few years away from an AIDS vaccinie, you know.

"You know that AIDS strain that you get better from?" -- Moloch

"Yeah." -- Rorshach

"Well.. that ain't the kinda AIDS I got." -- Moloch

(Selected passages, possibly changed, "Watchman" graphic novel.)
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Re: getcher KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC ON bitches, plz

Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Grest moments in installing history!
Okay is this some shit like "narmean"? Or is it actually a typo?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

What's your problem with "narmean"?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Fuck that guy.

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Post by Worm »

Nothing, it's just some lingo I hadn't picked up until I came to this board. I was asking if "grest" was the same.

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