Content Management Systems

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Content Management Systems

Post by Skullduggery »

Hi all...I'm not quite sure that this topic is 'topical' for this forum but I'll ask anyway.

I'm looking at 3 CMS's...MovableType, phpNuke, and PostNuke. I'm wondering if anyone has used any of the three, and pros and cons of each (particularly with the php- vs. postNuke..what's the real differences between them, besides developer politics?) I'd be interested in hearing about experiences with using any of them. (Installation issues aside.)

Thanks in advance.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I attempted to research phpNuke and Post Nuke when I set this site up. As it turns out, I didn't use either one of them as I really only update once a week at best. I seem to recall that I was headed towards using Post Nuke, but for the life of me I can't remember why that one over phpNuke.

(Actually, after thinking about it, I think it was because POE Hosting set me up with Post Nuke "out of the box," and not the other. I'll double-check on that.)

Moveable Type, though, I hadn't heard of until you mentioned it, so I can't be of any assistance there.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ahhh... I'm sorry, Skullduggery. I can't find anything of particular value that doesn't show up in a two-minute Google scan, in terms of comparing the two systems. On the other hand, up to 24 people saw your post and none of them had a take one way or the other, so at least apparently whichever decision you make isn't conniption-causing.

When you do get your decision made and your site live please be sure to let me know, and post the URL. I'll do whatever I can to start up the hype machine for you!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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