A few weeks ago it was free after rebate, so naturally I tried it. English vodka?!? It was excellent tho, very clean tasting and I'd probably get it again, even if it wasn't free.
Well, the Tanqeray has been tapped, the herbals vaporized, and it's now time to HUNKER DOWN, TAKE IT UP A NOTCH, PUT TEH NOSE TO TEH GRINDSTONE and whatnot and finally graduate school. I only have 3 classes (although one is an internship) so hopefully my slacker ass can get through it this time. I was supposed to graduate LAST semester but y'all know how that goes. I was holding out for a paid postion - feeling like a fool for working 90 hours and not seeing a dime for it - but I may just have to bite the bullet and do PAC/TAC or something to get the internship outta the way. Need to graduate so I can get the hell out of the deep freeze NY.. I just want to be somewhere that isn't fucking PAINFUL to be outside.
And I want a 240, RWD+snow+Jack Straw=BAD
As far as the Tanq, it was excellent. Very very clean, I like the taste almost better than Ketel 1. Highly recommended. I'm done with vodka for awhile, last bottle we got was Monte Alban tequila with the worm.. it felt good to let the crazy drunken Mexican fellow inside me out for a night. He's a feisty little Hispanic, I tell ya. He ate the worm.