I am drunk.

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I am drunk.

Post by Ben »

Now, normally that's not such a big announcement. As a matter of fact, it's not a big announcement now, either. But I mention it in passing for the following reasons:

1. This is the last time I'll be drinking since, if all goes well, three weeks from now in Vegas.

2. I've pounded down 3/4 of a fifth of Tequila tonight, which is pretty darned impressive if you ask me.

3. I'm playing $5/$10 hold 'em poker while I'm writing this, and while I'm not doing particularly well, I'm at least holding my own.

4. Though I'll be holding my own later, if you catch my drift. HAHAHAHA

5. There ain't another damn thing going on on this BBS lately, so I thought I'd liven things up with some drunken ramblings.

So, there's Ben's Nightly Intoxicated Update.

Also, I bought new golf clubs this weekend. Thanks.


Post by Ben »

Update: As of that last writing, I've won about $150, so maybe it ain't such a bad night at the poker table after all.


Post by Ben »

Alright, two seconds after that, I got killed for over $50, but still, it's a nice evening, so shut up.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Hey man, we're all pulling for you.

To beat this "alcoholism" thing, if not the cards. The cards, too, though.

So what do you find better to drink when you're playing cards on the internet, mostly? Vodka or Tequila?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Hey man, we're all pulling for you.

To beat this "alcoholism" thing, if not the cards. The cards, too, though.
I'm far more concerned about the cards, but thank you very much in any case for the encouraging words.
So what do you find better to drink when you're playing cards on the internet, mostly? Vodka or Tequila?
Oh, dear, do I have to choose just one?

If I had to choose just one of those, I would have to go with Tequila, just because it's got more taste to it, so you're able to distract yourself easier from the neverending string of crappy hands which are definitely going to come your way. I mean, is vodka really going to make you forget these hands:

Q 3
7 2
9 7
K 4
3 5
4 5
2 2


I don't think so.

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Post by loafergirl »

Cards while drinking? Not unless playing a drinking game for me. No, I preffer the Nakie chicks while drinking BWAHAHAHAHA

Sorry-still keyed up from the trip to the Canadian strip club last evening. There is nothing more beutiful than pulling a shot tube out of a womans cleavage while she's straddling you. THAT is how drinking should be done. I wonder how much it would cost for a shot girl to follow me around and do that every time I want to drink. If there be a heaven, surely shot girl must be there.

1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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