Che Guava Extract

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Knuckles the CLown
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Che Guava Extract

Post by Knuckles the CLown »

Gotta love the IMDB political ERRRRRR movie forums. I can't wait until the Three Men and a Baby page becomes a lightning rod for same sex parenting. If you ever want to discuss your favorite or un-favorite movies the IMDB is NOT the place to go. These unemployed pedophiles are only interested in some jaded political agenda and whining about the lack of minorities in Clerks.

If you want to discuss Braveheart, then you have to deal with wwalace902kungpow who can trace his roots back to 10th century Scotland and complains the shitting scenes were done incorrectly. And oh HE KNOWS BECAUSE HE IS SCOTTISH, well sort of, I mean just be cause he lives in Skokie, Illinois and works at Albertsons, does that make him less an authority on 12th century Scottish history??..

If you want to discus Minority Report than you have to deal with citizenkane21XOXO who has read 1984 and REALLY knows what the future is like. Even though he would've shot himself at the discovery that his own future includes fishing retainers out of middle school cafeteria dumpsters And lastly take a shitty movie like Varsity Blues and watch the bloated pus bags of failed high school athlete come out ,swinging their flabby prison tattooed arms and telling you WHAT IT’S LIKE BITCH, and how YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!

Which brings me to Steve Soderberghs CHE! Starring Benicio Del Toro as the greasy mexican looking revolutionary, who oddly resembles Dr. Stephen Strange with a shag haircut. While I expected to read some things on a movie due out next year, I got a history lesson that makes Yellow Journalism look like..... um, err fuck something not so slanted!!?.
Knuckles take on Che Guevara?? I know nothing, but to you Che t-shirt wearers, well

Let me sum it up!
To you unwashed college hippies- The Che shirts are stale, they were worn by uninteresting people trying to have others perceive them as interesting. I predict they will go the way of the Hannibal Elephant bumper sticker. Of course this movie will probably spark a new "revolution" of losers who try show how down they are. One of my fondest memories in life was walking in to the office of the lazy CEO of my company (3 Clowns Entertainment) and seeing a Che poster. I guess he thought having this idiots mug on the wall gave him some sort of cred. I thought it made him look like a douche bag.

BTW, I repeat I know absolutely nothing about this Che character. I just assume he was probably a big deal in his time and some sort of a hero but more likely a filthy half-breed barbarian. All I know is he's probably rolling in his grave upon seeing the American dough bags sporting his face on over-priced tee-shirts.
Why don't these people just wear shirts that say "I want to pretend I know more than you do"...It would save time.

Fuck it, I can't wait to see this movie because I liked Ocean's Eleven and Soderbergh directed that. I'm just hoping Don Cheadle is involved, because he is the very definition of "cred" why aren't people making t-shirts with his mug on them??......
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Worm »

Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

Wrong base, buster. PS: best post you have evvvvvvarr made!

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Post by Debaser »

Not to say the the Che Guevara trend was a sad and pathetic little bit of prefab rebellion at the time, but this shit hit its peak circa 1996. RATM doesn't even exist anymore, so the dude who started that thread is about a decade too late with his righteous indignation~! For his next trick, maybe he'd like to tell me about what a disappointment the finale of Seinfeld was.

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Knuckles the CLown
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You're the Winner!!

Post by Knuckles the CLown »

THERE IS A MOVIE COMING OUT NEXT YEAR SO I GUESS NOT RIM JOB!! THAT SPAWNED THE POST!! GET IT?? BTW Chubs, if I'm going to waste my time reading your posts, mix in a laugh.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Knuckles makes everything funny and uncomfortable again, like a deceased Molesting Uncle who has risen from his grave and tripped over the tombstone en route to menacing the town.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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