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Post by Lex »

Internal language makes a major difference to how you view yourself and internalise the world. It's a fucking expensive book, but the first book ever written on NLP: ... s&n=507846

Frogs into Princes. It reads just like a novel, but you find yourself waking up after several pages very, very regularly as opposed to the once-every-six-months of your normal reading. It's written specifically to make that happen, apparently.

It is the first ever written on NLP, and so it's a little bit coarse in certain areas, but because it is so easy to read I strongly recommend it. It will engage you, and you'll want to read more of his stuff, but this is strongly recommended reading.

I only like to read about spaceships: If I can read it and like it, it has to be engaging.

The guy who wrote this is also doing a seminar with Paul Mckenna, the most well-known hypnotist over here. It was torrented a while ago on SA, but I can hook you up with his audio-files on "Supreme Self-Confidence"! This is a form of hypnotism that really works, because it has a lot of NLP within it. I recommend both of these heartily: They've given me the confidence to be amasingly wowsingly cool at an interview.

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Re: When....

Post by nessman »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:If you are not overweight and are over 30 YOU HAVE WON! This society breeds fat cattle. If you are still skinny after 30 years of walking around this smorgasborg, you have attained the rank of Arch-Mage.
Heh heh... Walrustitty... heh heh heh...

Back to the original post...

Last book I bought was "Blue Blood" by Edward Conlon - an autobiography of a Harvard grad turned NYPD cop. Very good reading - almost 600 pages and after two months I'm almost done with it. Prior to that was for a failed attempt at training my wife - "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schleshinger. She wouldn't listen to me as I read parts of it out loud, but fascinating reading nonetheless. I think the last book I bought prior to that was a reference manual for Sun Solaris 8.
If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you. - Larry Flynt

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Post by bruce »

Lex wrote:They've given me the confidence to be amasingly wowsingly cool at an interview.
I don't mean to be snide here--no, scratch that, I <i>do</i> mean to be snide here:

So you interviewed terrifically for a job where you were <i>paid in tummy rubs rather than actual currency</i>? You'll excuse me if I ask you what the point was.



Re: When....

Post by Vitriola »

nessman wrote: Prior to that was for a failed attempt at training my wife - "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schleshinger. She wouldn't listen to me as I read parts of it out loud, but fascinating reading nonetheless.
How is that? Being at one point in my life the kind of pity-party and self-obsessed women she commonly rails against, and rightly so, I've been wondering about this book. How was it? Did it seem to be on track?

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Re: When....

Post by nessman »

Vitriola wrote:How is that? Being at one point in my life the kind of pity-party and self-obsessed women she commonly rails against, and rightly so, I've been wondering about this book. How was it? Did it seem to be on track?
Much of the book surprisingly hits the nail right on the head (at least it does from my point of view). The gist of the book is that it tells frustrated wives to lighten up, stop being control freaks, put out more often and to treat their husbands like men instead of children. In return, husbands will resent their wives less and things will be happier.

I can think of quite a few times where if my wife reacted in a way that Dr. Laura suggests - I'd be happy instead of resentful at any given time where she freaked out about someting insignificant.
If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you. - Larry Flynt

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