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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2002 2:44 pm
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Mike and I are playing through a season of NFL2K3 and played the last game in the first season tonight. We went 8-8 and did not make the playoffs.

We're taking a look at the Mock Draft in the game, flipping through all the guys, and we see that the game has something critical to say about just near everyone. "Can't shed blockers," "lacks closing speed," that kind of thing. When, all of a sudden, we scroll down to find that a punter from Rutgers is listed in the first round. And his critique happens to be, "HAS A HISTORY OF CHOKING."

We both collapse into laughter. What a great comment from the game, especially out of some poor bastard from Rutgers. I mean, how the hell would you even tell? They go like 1-10 every year. Anyway, not two more players down, do we manage to see this gem regarding a wide receiver: "MANAGES TO GET HIS HANDS ON A LOT OF BALLS." Bwa-hahahahaha!! I'll frigging BET he does, alright.

There may one day be a game released with two better lines in a row like that, but hell, I'll be long dead and buried before I ever see it.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!