Palm Pilots, PDAs, whatever.. -- any tips?

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Palm Pilots, PDAs, whatever.. -- any tips?

Post by mhuiraich »


I am a GTA (teaching assistantship for graduate students). The university provides palm pilots for all students -- so I need to get one as well. I have a set limit of 300 dollars. Now I'm not exactly crazy about them, based on past experience... ie, my undergrad years. The early years always seemed a bit clumsy..

The trick is though, the money I don't spend is mine to use (for students and the like). so I need the best bang for the buck, or whatnot. I realize this might not be the best place to post this, but I thought perhaps I might after reading the 'build a computer' threads. I've been recommended the HP IPAQ 194x... but really I just need something to update student appointments, maintain a calendar.. etcetera.. basically, ease of entry during class. The ability to transmit schedules and whatnot might be nice since all the buildings are set up that way.. ie, send the students revisions of syllabi or important dates over wireless, et al. I have a CS degree, but haven't been keeping up -- so here's the basic requirements:

-- ease of entry (enter student appts quickly)
-- reliability (can withstand severe beatings)
-- battery life (relatively long compared to contemporaries)
-- wireless transmission (I'm a bit vague on this field -- I haven't kept up -- but apparently it's set up so the in building hardware can transmit from master to slave , or primary to secondary, or whatever the frick you want to call it.. PDA's.. within any classroom.
-- relative aethetic appeal. -- maybe moot point these days.. but you never know when something looks like shit.

So I'm a bit apprehensive. I'd like your ideas on . . .

first, should I get one for the class (as all classes, requires alot of organization and planning)
second, which do you recommend?
third, what sources should I consider?
fourth, any addenum folks would like to add..


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Post by chris »

I owned a few different PDAs for a number of years, but now it sits in a cabinet collecting dust. Just wasn't worth it for me.....a $1.50 memo pad stores all of the info I need to keep track of.

My experience is that the cheaper ones are a better buy. The more expensive color ones have rechargeable batteries that don't last very long, as opposed to the cheap ones that use AAA or AA batteries that you can replace anywhere. None of them will survive a fall terribly well....mine fell about 3 feet, and the screen cracked.

If you have to get one though, I would suggest getting whatever the students have. That'll guarantee compatibility.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I don't have a palm, so I can't give good advice, but I'm rounding up Internet friends and acquaintences at this very moment in order to get some additional replies here.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't have a palm
In an effort to increase the average and mean quality of the posts on this BBS, I will refrain from replying to the above phrase.

Thank you.

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