My big box of games.

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My big box of games.

Post by Worm »

How did I recieve this box? I'll tell you how. It was from my homie, Roody Yogurt.

Roody Yogurt is a stand up guy. He might tell blind kids they should die when they mistype his name, though if you needed a Kidney he would ship it to you. He would ship it UPS, because that's how they ship things at his work. Fuck DHL and Fedex if you need a kidney. Roody Yogurt is a good person, he will send you things, but you can rot in hell if you want it shipped without UPS.

I recieved many games from Roody Yogurt and I've done him a disservice. Not the kind of disservice I did when I bought myself a belt that was too large and returned it for one that was too small thinking I could just "lose the weight". I haven't played any of these games. That was wrong. I was wrong. I recieved Omikron which I played previously. So that won't be part of this project.
  1. Stonekeep
  2. Nocturne
  3. Max Payne 2
  4. Afterlife
I am starting with Max Payne 2, I will review these games and then send them off to who wants them next. In this I will service Roody's shipping sacrafice.
Last edited by Worm on Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Guest »

You should prolly spell his name right then.

Posts: 3626
Joined: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:53 am
Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

Anonymous wrote:You should prolly spell his name right then.
ah ha ha ha ... ha
Good point Bobby!

Posts: 3626
Joined: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:53 am
Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

Review 1.

<s>Mad</s> Max Payne 2

This game wants me to take my granny's oxies in one hand a pistol in the other and carve a trail of carnage throughout the country. I'd wear kneepads, because all the diving has to be hell on your joints. I don't know why I ever played this game when it's first installment came out. I think it was that I was tired of bullet time already and thought it was like cheating in a FPS, so I went and played more harcore stuff I guess.

It's a good game. It's as close to Final Fight as any shooting game has ever gotten, and that's pretty fucking amazing in my book. The enemies pour at you, you blow them away, if you fuck that up, you quickload. The entire game comes down to the dive. Walking in normal bullet time can be useful for sniping but you won't do it outiside of a particular set of circumstances. So that's what it comes down to, the dive, how many lives can you end, how many babies can you orphan, how many wives can you widow, how many skulls can you crack, how many boarding passes to hell can you punch, in that dive? That's the question this game asks.

I remember when I thought all third person shooters were gay and now I'm playing a third person shooter that's better than the majority of first person shooters I've played. The story mode is pretty short and sweet, but there seems to be different modes of play. The game sometimes takes you away from diving and shooting, but it's really all about the diving and the shooting.

Diving and Shooting 10/10
Mona Sax score 10/10
Good point Bobby!

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